








  Júlio César stands on the ledge of a 20-story building poised to jump when he's suddenly joined by a mysterious, disheveled stranger, a "dreamseller," whose mission is to convince people to love life. A philosophical dialogue follows as the stranger talks Julio down from the ledge and invites him to become a dreamseller. At first Júlio views the journey as a "sociological experiment," but he soon begins to believe. Others join, and the "band of misfits" under the tutelage of the dreamseller visit sites as diverse as a retirement home and a funeral, delivering a lesson each place. The dreamseller points out the madness in modern society and invites others to embrace his ideals. As his influence grows, detractors emerge, but he has an answer for everyone, until Megasoft, the corporate monolith and a favorite target of the dreamseller, forces him into a corner.

邪恶之眼旺角暴族余罪 第二季柯克维尔的奇迹鲁宾逊漂流记暗后无脸我这一辈子1950北京出租车超体(普通话版)初恋无限Touch国语平地风云第四季夺宝惊魂决币爱不单行征服钱海波普先生的企鹅沙娜拉传奇第一季如影随形2008纵横案线第三季小警风云之寻帅记智截玉香笼蓝鱼双世宠妃Ⅲ红色黎明猫头鹰市中心佐州自救兄弟2天刃挺进中原偷窥天官赐福粤语版黑色电话鲛人传说之人间情火力地堡破产姐妹第六季死色2011开棺异形复活绝狼:黑之章杀手·婚礼之路红领巾的故事期待幸福在希望的田野上意外的恋爱时光婆婆来了狄仁杰探案之天煞孤鸾罗拉快跑印度版

