我能认出的华盛顿地标很可能已经超过家乡武汉,见到白宫国会山的次数比水塔黄鹤楼更多。Showtime频道刚刚播出的剧集《科米的规则》(The Comey Rule)中的场景基本上都安排在华盛顿,每一处都不陌生,但我无法摆脱困惑。这部剧根据联邦调查局FBI前局长科米的回忆录改编,扮演他的是Jeff Daniels,一位敢于在话剧《杀死一只知更鸟》中出场、与不朽的格里高利·派克形象竞争的演员。纷乱来自剧集中新闻片段和虚构场景的结合,白宫发言人Sean Spicer和Sarah Huckbee Sanders是真人,但科米、他的老板特朗普和司法部长Sessions、副手和下级等却由演员担纲。扮演副手、紧接科米之后出任FBI代理局长的Andrew McCabe由一位极为熟悉的演员出演—《纸牌屋》中主角弗兰克忠心耿耿的助手道格·斯坦普,另外还要加上《绝命毒师》中的Jonathan Banks。观看过程中陷入经常性的挣扎,我在看新闻、《纸牌屋》、《绝命毒师》还是《科米的规则》?我身在《纸牌屋》中的华盛顿、《科米的规则》中的美国首都、还是现实中的哥伦比亚特区?
结尾的时候,Jeff Daniels扮演的科米与妻子走出了宾夕法尼亚大道上的餐厅“首都烧烤”(The Captal Grille),此处离我们办公室也就10来分钟步行距离。我当然不可能花50美元在那里吃一份牛排,太奢侈,但前疫情时代每年都会有“餐馆周”,20美元就可以要一份包括沙拉、牛排和甜点的套餐。问题在于,疫情爆发半年多来我极少再进城,也不知道餐厅还有没有继续营业。
Comey的选角Jeff Daniels则明显比真人形象友善。Comey本人更瘦,面部线条也更凌厉。毕竟得过癌症就是不一样啊!Daniels表情台词没大问题,但还是让人感觉更像Daniels,温厚无害,刚和乔布斯谈完入伙的事就来了。三个小时看他晃来晃去,其实提升了Comey的公众形象。
剧本改编自Comey的自传,因此偏向性不言而喻。话说Page和Strzok的床戏是怎么回事,难道Comey当时也在场,因此写进了他的自传中?此二人各自已婚两孩,婚外出轨,且均参加了FBI的通俄门调查和随后独立检察官Mueller的通俄门调查。两人可谓志同道合,通奸之余不忘兴致勃勃在FBI配发的手机上互发大量短信,严重反对Trump和支持Hilary Clinton。官配手机信息本来就不受隐私保护,2017年FBI又对通俄门调查展开调查(背后政治倾向这就很明显了),获取这些短信后不久就有人爆料给纽约时报,引来国会议员要求调取这些短信。你也知道国会议员的党派属性,这批短信进了八面透风的国会之后很快也就尽人皆知了。Page和Strzok凭借自身的极端愚蠢,在当着全美公众羞辱自己和配偶子女的同时,为Trump对Mueller和FBI的疯狂攻击提供了搀有香艳佐料的炮弹。
所以朋友你看,剧评先要评剧,再评历史和现实。急屎急尿可还行?纵有Daniels晃来晃去,大选前夕Comey宣布重启邮件门那一幕还是唤回旧怒火。犹记当年见到这breaking news的第一感觉:Hilary Clinton就此完蛋了。受够了的中间选民已在distasteful边缘,这一暴击的效果无法挽回。
Comey、Hilary Clinton and the NDC: YOU DESERVE TRUMP.
至于剧中颇加描画的金色淋浴,Fox在2021年报道其信息源是一个乌克兰裔美国居民,所供职的研究机构头目是Hilary Clinton的长期朋友兼同盟。此人已因向FBI撒谎而被美国政府起诉。他供认金色淋浴不过是俄国酒友电话里的流言,他拿来和Steele换钱,后者则对这些流言照单全收。
时间快进到2020年8月,Biden已选择Kamala做竞选伙伴。Comey在社交网路发了张自拍,穿着印有“Elect More Women”字样的T恤衫。
Hilary Clinton的助手很快回了一条:
A lot of us tried. You f---ed it up. But the tee shirt definitely makes up for it.
Where law ends, tyranny begins.
In governance there are people who do the work, and there are showboats.
Politicians are awful.
Money is nice, stopping bad guys is better.
If you’re not happy, leave. There’s plenty of people that want your job.
You can’t run this place if you mind being resented.
If you’ve been doing this for ten years, and a president asks you to stay on for another two, say no.
I expect you to work hard because you owe that to the taxpayer. I expect you to exercise good judgment. Being here means you have the power to do good, or, if you abuse that power, great harm. I expect you to find joy in your work. You are part of an organization devoted to doing good, protecting the weak, rescuing the taken, and catching criminals. That is work with moral content. Doing it should be a source of great joy. And I expect you to protect this institution’s reservoir of trust and credibility, which makes possible all of our work. I expect you to fight for balance in your lives. You are all driven by our mission, and you are used to absorbing stress. That means you need more time with your loved ones, not less. So I order you to love someone, It’s the right thing to do. It’s also good for you. Crime in any form makes people feel powerless. Let’s fix that.
Did she mishandle classified information by using her personal e-mail system while serving as Secretary of State ? We’re looking for “corrupt purpose.” Did Secretary Clinton knowingly break the law either by using a personal e-mail server to handle classified information while serving at State, or by directing the deletion of e-mails from that server ?
Whatever this investigation yields, history will look at what we do here through a microscope, so our work needs to be letter-perfect. No leaks, everything buttoned down. We cannot cut corners, cannot screw this up in any way.
Trump? He’s an idiot. But he’s a man. And male voters are gender-loyal in a way that women aren’t.
The Trump supporters see Trump as political chemo. He may be toxic, he may kill every healthy cell in the bloodstream, but he is the only cure for the cancer that is Washington.
Everyone’s got an opinion, and the right to voice it.
I’d ask you to assess three things: the accuracy of the facts laid out in the draft, any policy or other limitations around making such a statement, and the wisdom and mechanics of presenting it to the American people.
Conventional wisdom might mitigate against it. But this is not a conventional circumstance. What I’m thinking is grand juries are secret for a reason. We don’t comment on the propriety of a subject’s conduct, especially during an election year. If the country ever starts to distrust the Bureau’s intentions, it’s a bell that can never be unrung.
And you remember that next time somebody tells you this country can’t be its best self. Or the law doesn’t matter. That jury did right anyway.
What if we announce and then don’t find anything? What if we don’t announce and then find criminal intent?
Down that road lies the death of the FBI as an independent force in American life. If I ever start considering whose political fortunes might be affected by a decision even for a second, we’re done. I know you believe in telling the truth. But there are all kinds of truths out there. That’s intelligence but it’s a truth. Concealing one truth and publicly announcing another is selective honesty. I told Congress and the country that this case was closed. If that’s revealed to be a lie, how would they ever believe us again?
I think norms and policies matter. And I think Direct Comey believes that his own ethics are now worth more than the norms that have always steered us.
You came here to do good. You’ve all made sacrifices to keep that promise. You stay up late working on a summation to explain why a drug dealer or child pornographer is guilty. You chase materials to organize court exhibits that some yo-yo from the Bureau mislabeled. And you shrug pleasantly when people speak of the “awesome resources of the federal government,” as you eye the fancy supplies at a law firm and think about swiping some stuff to take back to your office. Despite obstacles, you do the work. You protect people. That’s noble. What makes that work possible is a reservoir of trust and credibility, a reservoir that was built for us and filled for us by those who went before us in this work, many of whom we never knew. Our obligation is to protect that reservoir, to keep it full or make it fuller, for those who will follow us into public service. The problem with reservoirs is that it’s hard to fill them and one tiny hole can drain them. And that’s what happens if our vigilance fails, if, even for a second, we ever put anything--politics, partisanship-- above the primacy of truth and justice. I love the Bureau. I love its mission. That guides me every day, in everything I do. And if it leads me to make mistakes, I know they’ll be honest ones.
The boss gets absolute power, absolute loyalty, and no one outside the inner circle counts. My soul should burn if I ever betray Cosa Nostra. Ours is an apolitical culture.
The country needs to know that the FBI is completely divorced from politics.
You ever start to feel shaky, go outside and look at the buildings up and down Pennsylvania Avenue. They’ve been there a long time. And they’re gonna be here a long time. Because what they represent is eternal-- institutions, the rule of law, no matter who is in power.
Law alone can give us freedom.
The job is about protecting people. Every decision comes back to that. Everything the entire department does will run through this office, so you need to be at your best. You need to eat well, exercise, get enough sleep. You need to be with your family to recharge yourself. That goes for all of your staff as well. Try to get out of the office by 6, 6:30 every night, because no one will leave before you do, and you want them spending time with their loved ones.
Workaholics make soulless choices.
Leaders like that throw you back to first principles, you just have to keep remembering what they are.
Every one of you is personally responsible for protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution of the United States. The FBI’s values are bigger than any single person, so it’s the same mission no matter who’s running it.
Because they’ve always been here. Doesn’t matter who the president is, which party is in power. The institutions, the rule of law. Nothing ever knocks them down.
Comey前后有点割裂。前面处理2016大选的方式其实有很大问题,至少是客观上威胁到选举结果公正性,恐怕并不能简单用坚持原则带过去。后面面对T倒是多有变通,好在没跨过红线留得晚节。总体给人感觉有点失焦,他离职部分的大篇幅难不成是要强调Dir Comey风评极佳备受爱戴?可这也不是higher loyalty啊,和坚持原则其实扯不上。剧本离Comey个人PR show一步之遥。演员选角不错,两任总统都印象深刻。配角也保持相当水准。布景有点偏科幻极简风,估计和FBI真实情况出入不小。不过也算是艺术美化吧。理想主义者的悲歌,故事挺好看。PS 希望很快有人拍Lt Col Vindman,绝对精彩。
好莱坞这帮白左还是对川普当选耿耿于怀,仅仅对邮件门的调查是不可能让希拉里败选的,而川普所谓通俄门,在2020年经过民主党鸡蛋里挑骨头且抹黑式的弹劾案调查后还是不了了之 ,民主党的白左精英在移民.反恐.拥枪.堕胎.言论.人伦.环保.福利.税收的反常识行为让很多拥有传统价值观的人深恶痛绝!粗辱且口无遮拦的政治素人川普拒绝一切政治正确,说出了很多人心里想却不敢说出的话,希拉里和民主党的失败源自于自身的虚伪和傲慢,跟这部剧所里虚构想象出的邮件门和通俄门剧情一毛关系都没有,经过这四年民主党白左在政治正确上依然一意孤行,也助力了川普2020年必将连任!
HBO的一大问题是,每次拍这种改编剧总容易把主角搞成立场坚定、人畜无害、较为小白的部级高官,Too big to fail里的鲍尔森,这次的科米,你当这些情报头子和金融头子是什么善茬儿么?不过Jeff Daniels这几年真是演遍美帝高干,这次演FBI局长,上次《巨塔杀机》演FBI的部门头子,之前《火星救援》演NASA的局长......真局长专业户
很多喷这部片的评论说什么好莱坞白左 说什么黑川建国。拜托 大叔大婶,这部迷你剧改编自Comey写的《更高的忠诚》一书好伐。Comedy自己也参与了影片的制作。别的不说,FBI属司法部,分支在执行的总统刚上台就想拉拢FBI局长搞个人崇拜。Or in Trump's own words, "Loyalty." 那开国元勋想了半天的「三权」也别分立了,都归你川一个人管好了。这基本的底线都给狗吃了 你还捧他狗嘴里吐出的政策?Gimme a break.