

主演:Juliette Gariépy,Laurie Babin,皮埃尔·查侬






  The day Kelly-Anne has been waiting for has arrived. The trial begins for Ludovic Chevalier, accused of the brutal murder of three underage girls. Unlike most people, Kelly-Anne is fascinated by the man, she becomes obsessed with him and attends every single court hearing in the hope he’ll give her at least a fleeting glance. The border between reality and fantasy starts to blur, however, until Kelly-Anne ceases to be a mere passive observer. Pascal Plante once again expresses an interest in female subjectivity, nevertheless, this time he has come up with an arthouse thriller about the perilous attraction of evil. At the same time, the interplay between what we can and can’t see, and what is explicit and what is conjecture, develops into an almost physical viewing experience.热播电视剧最新电影罗伯茨先生拼字大赛邪恶与疯狂国语版邪恶季节大宋惊世传奇猫舌怕烫烫万圣节过后活尸电梯侠捕之诡影迷踪虫暴危机军法V世代第一季赤松山魂王子学院之帅气牛仔茧2020牛郎织女神算牛仔岁月失踪禁地离别也是爱第二十二条军规1970满分追爱公式浪女大厨第五季就是这样欢天喜地对亲家同车异路造人计划混凝土乌托邦

