1 ) 《劫后英雄传》(1952)1080 HDTV内封简中
字幕取自网络dvd版本,与新下的1080 HDTV版重新匹配后封装而成,去掉多余无用音轨 保留英语原声及中英文字幕,为广大影迷提供洗版机会 在此感谢原翻译者
此外此部片还有一个82年翻拍版本 地址一并给一下
2 ) Chivalry
After watching the movie, I have some questions which puzzle me. And I have read some books about chivalry to find the answer to these questions. Now I want to talk about the relationship between knights and wars, courtly love.
(Knights and war)I really enjoy this movie, especially the scenes of battle. As a Chinese, their fighting-pattern really impressed me. Our ancients used swords or spears to fight each other, but they didn’t. And I was really surprised at the way of war in medieval Europe. There are three battles in the movie.
The first one is that Ivanhoe fights with other five knight. They aim or thrust a lance in a joust. You may think it is very easy, but as a matter a fact, if you want to make your opponent fall down, you need to practice much and have a clear idea of other's shortcomings. If you have courage, but without money , you cannot take part in it. The second battle of the Tuo Kuier Stone Castle is verymagnificent. This is a struggle between evil and justice. Almost everyone has appeared in the battle, and the battle completely unmask the evil of Norman. The third battle is the duel between Ivanhoe and Guilbert.
This movie is only 106 minutes long but contain three battles, do you know why? From my perspective, it is a movie about knight, and war has close relationship with knight. In medieval, Knights’ profession is fighting against the enemies, and fighting against the enemies is viewed as the most noble and scared job. The tournament is knights’ second job, which is showed in the first and third battle.
It goes without saying that people hate war nowadays, but why knights love war and tournament so much in middle ages? Medieval aristocratic society is a honor society. In medieval aristocratic society, nothing is more important than the respect for honor, that’s to say, everyone pursue honor. Honor view is the core of chivalry, and war is the source of knight's honor. I think this is the reason that knights used violence to solve problem, they can show off and gain respect as well.
The film fully shows the significance of war and honor for knights, which I really appreciate. Before the duel between Ivanhoe and Guilbert, Guilbert says that if he gave up fighting with Ivanhoe, he will lose the honor and respect. At first, I didn’t understand why he says that. In my culture, it is a good thing that you give up fighting against somebody who can save the people you love. But now I seem to understand what he says. If he give up, he would lose the title of knight, his dignity, honor and the respect from others, which mean everything for a knight.
(Knights and Courtly love)In the first battle, Ivanhoe wins other knights, the king says: “According to the knight system, you has the right to chose the most beautiful and popular queen”. I was puzzled at the beginning, why he give a crown to a noblewomen? As we all know, in ancient China, the beautiful women are often depicted sirens who confuse emperor and bring the fall of the country. China and Europe has really different attitude to women in the past. In the view of Chinese, women make monarchy fatuous and dissipated. But from the opinion of many Europeans, women make men more crazy and brave. In order to win the love of noblewomen, knights can sacrifice everything, which is seen as Platonic love. Noblewomen is the symbol of truth , virtue and beauty. Love become the power source which help knights change themselves and achieve the moral quality of sublimation.(实现道德品质的升华). The love among Ivanhoe, Rebecca and Lady Rowena also makes the film more brilliant. Courtly love is pure and sacred. It has great and far-reaching influence on Western Civilization. It sublimate and remodel chivalry, makes knights more brave and polite.(典雅爱情重新塑造了和升华了骑士精神,使骑士更加英勇,同时融入了风雅,英勇中浸染了文雅和彬彬有礼,并蓄了刚柔文武).What’ s more, courtly love also improves the status of women and the thoughts of respecting women also spread in middle ages, which have profound impacts on the society. For example, when the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank more than 81 years ago, only about a third of the great ship’s passengers survived. Most were women and children. Several male passengers refused to enter lifeboats because they weren’t sure all the women were safely aboard. But it is a pity that the chivalry of respecting women and protecting the weak is gradually fading away in the movement for women's rights.(尊重妇女、保护弱者的骑士精神在女权运动中逐渐消逝)
What I said above is the chivalry which has been idealized and prettified. When you see the movie, you pay more attention on Ivanhoe than Guilbert and other knights, so you may ignore the shortcomings that shown by other other knights. Ivanhoe is brave and justice, but not every knight is brave and justice. We need to more rational and have a good understanding of chivalry.
We know that the Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians. And it was Germanic people that bring Roman Empire to life. How can a barbaric race make a dying civilization come into life? (野蛮的日耳曼民族是如何使一个垂死的文明重新焕发生命力?) Gentile institution(氏族制度) has a great impact on Germanic peoples, Germanic peoples like war and it make them brave, generous and respect honor. With the establishment of western feudal system, the German bodyguard system has been developed into chivalry. And the spirit of brave, generous and honor are the basic contents of chivalry. Then, with the limit of religion, the nourishment of love, the influence of literature a rough warrior becomes a model of social justice, but fighting against enemies is always their regular occupation. Now, we have a general idea of the origin of chivalry. War is a essential part of knights ‘life . That is why the movie of Ivanhoe show three battles and to us. The courtly love is shown in the movie, but it is not a key point, its function is to drive the plot.
3 ) 谁是谁的骑士?
4 ) 观后感
Joan Fontaine(片中饰演Lady Rowena)
——生活中的Joan Fontaine脾气倔强,与任何人都合不来,自传里她直白地告诉读者她恨Laurence Olivier、恨Vivien Leigh(因为这夫妻两在试镜时拼命想挤掉这个新人,可惜老希早就定下女主角了,反而加以利用煽动气氛……我注意到老希的女主角绝对都是金发碧眼的,所以黑发美人没戏)恨Judith Anderson(她拍戏时经常迟到)、恨XXX、恨XX……很多不记得了,与姐姐Olivia de Havilland的关系恶劣,小时候就互相掐架恶语相向,打斗中还踩断了肋骨(谁踩谁不记得了),就连奥斯卡领奖时也互不理睬互翻白眼,当然光是脾气不好不能吸引我,重要的是她多才多艺、兴趣广泛、意志坚强,从骑马、驾驶飞机、烹饪、园艺无所不能~
晚年时姐姐Olivia de Havilland生活陷入窘境,Joan毅然伸出援助之手,老姐妹重修旧好,现在这俩姐妹依旧健在,健康长寿啊!!从黄金时代过来的人能与我等共存于一个世界真是件美妙的事情~
Elizabeth Taylor(片中饰演犹太姑娘Rebecca)
与Joan Fontaine 第二次合作(好像也是最后一次),第一次是1944年版的“简爱”,没啥对手戏,Taylor演的是早殇的小海伦,1952年拍Ivanhoe时Taylor刚19岁,非常年轻非常漂亮!!片中就是三角关系,估计实际情况中Fontaine也不会喜欢她…
那时Taylor正感情低潮,米高梅公司为了拆散Taylor的一场不伦恋情强迫她到英国参加拍摄,有趣的是到英国后这个感情丰富的小姑娘立刻陷入另一场不伦之恋,并且修成正果,在1952年与英国演员Michael Wilding 结婚,这是她的第2次婚姻。
Taylor经历了的8次婚姻,一般人听到估计都觉得不可思议~其中第一次婚姻才8个月就和那个小气冷漠的希尔顿财团继承人分手了,与Michael Todd的火热甜蜜生活由于他的意外死亡而中止, 另两次是和一生的至爱“永远的马克安东尼”Richard Burton。
不过这在当时的好莱坞不算太特别,演员们结婚在4次左右很普遍,比如参与此片拍摄的其他演员Fontaine、George Sanders 、Robert Douglas等。
Robert Taylor(片中饰演Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe)
George Sanders (片中饰演Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert)
这位出生于俄国的演员引起我注意的是在【蝴蝶梦】里饰演Jack Favell——Rebecca的表哥,浮夸的花花公子(和Joan Fontaine也是第二次合作),大概长得不太象好人所以饰演的角色都是类似的,比如之后在【曼哈顿的故事Tales of Manhattan】(关于一件被诅咒的燕尾服的故事)里面他演的一个小角色。
在【Ivanhoe】里就是最大的反派“圣殿骑士吉尔波特”,最有劲的是和Elizabeth Taylor的对手戏!老谋深算的诺曼贵族爱上了纯洁虔诚的犹太姑娘~多么让人心花怒放啊~~~
“He continued to play mostly villains and charming heels until his suicide in 1972.”
5 ) 英雄传
里面泰勒演的丽贝卡比第一美女伊欧娜漂亮很多啊,身材也好的多。丽贝卡怎么看百般明媚万般风情啊.少年读书时就觉得丽贝卡在决斗场应该选择吉尔伯。她一时迷恋爱情,最后爱自己的人死了,自己爱的人跟别人结婚了,家里所有的财富都捐给了不是自己的国家,丽贝卡实在too sad,泰勒实在太美!
7.2/10,Robert Taylor演的中规中矩,几场击剑戏扣人心弦,这时的Elizabeth简直美翻了http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDM2Mjg5NjM2.html
美翻 两大美女前天刚看罗宾汉 跟这个简直是姊妹篇(也刚好是姐妹俩演的 )
开场Robert Taylor骑着马儿弹着小琴唱着小曲儿,老电影+中世纪,真有感觉。Elizabeth Taylor 扮演的犹太妹子Rebacca太太漂亮啦。里面罗宾汉太弱,明显不尊重我儿时偶像啊~~
Liz简直开了柔光滤镜一样的美,相比之下Joan就平淡了很多…MGM拍这种撒克逊传奇真的吃力不讨好,传说本来卡司搭的是RT的Ivanhoe,Myrna Loy的Rowena和盖博的狮心王???这个阵容大概也就梦里有了【摊手
两个米女,一个涮哥。 狮心王怎么这么菜