War is hell, in Robert Aldrich’s THE DIRTY DOZEN, for the first time in an American movie, the plot discards any form of pretense that its German-slaughtering finale is based on rationality or a moral higher ground, neither a reactive defense maneuver, nor a justified tit for tat, as simple as that, shock troops are deployed as extraordinary measures to off as many Nazi officers as possible so as to put the kibosh on the blamed WWII.
A box office hits of its time, THE DIRTY DOZEN is an almost exclusively stag’s party, this semi-suicide mission, dubbed as Project Amnesty, is led by OSS officer Major John Reisman (Marvin, hard-bitten to the gills), who is seconded to train a dozen death-row or lengthy-sentence served army prisoners into commandos, who can parachute in a château in Brittany where many German top brass inhabits, to carry out the reckless extermination derring-do, and those who survive can get their sentences pardoned (seriously, someone needs a lucky charm keep alive by the skin of his teeth, rising star Charles Bronson might be cut out for that).
In the prologue, Aldrich makes a snappy simile to foreground that the whole shebang likens putting one’s head in a noose, which only can be applied to the most hopeless ones, who can strive for one last attempt of redemption or seek out a fat chance of freedom, and they are squarely dispensable, yet it is somehow unthinking that Reisman and Sergeant Clyde Bowren (Jaeckel) deign to join the battle of cannon fodders instead of staying a bit out of harm’s way, individual heroism, is, as usual, in every nook and cranny of a mainstream American war picture.
But before that preposterous, patly formulated, but unsettlingly vicious climax, the film is actually brimming with lulz in its military drilling process of assessing, bonding and carousing, a gripping momentum never slacks, culminating in a stock victory of a rag-tag of underdogs punching above their weight to outfox regular soldiers during the war games in England, by that time, audience may even begin to invest in those hardened criminals with a smattering of compassion, not least to Robert T. Jefferson (Brown), the sole black prisoner whose commission is as per spurred by racism, and it is indeed him, who is designated to tackle the most dangerous job in the money shot.
No one can say the film aims for a realistic study of criminology, as the majority of the offenders are far less sociopaths than ordinary bozos or bitter cynics, John Cassavetes’ Franko belongs to the latter bracket, and he persuasively steals the show in emitting the voltage of intensity that runs rings around his less affective co-stars, though, the most virulent one among them, the religious fanatic Maggott (Savalas, in his manic mercuriality), a rapist and woman killer can give him a run for his money, and let us all extol that providential friendly fire! In the end of the day, THE DIRTY DOZEN’s male-pandering slant might take some shine off its conventional appeal as a devil-may-care entertainment kit out with a perverted throat-cutting lethality and workmanlike execution.
referential entries: Aldrich’s WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? (1962, 8.2/10); Quentin Tarantino’s INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (2009, 8.3/10).
对于生活,要存有期冀,存有感恩之心,但不作非分之想。一个生日怎么过,其实并不重要。重要的是,有生的日子怎么过。人世就是这样。有了温暖,就抱紧。遵循内心的指引,用自己喜欢的方式活着,每一天,都是最好的生活。早安!人生不易,不要笑话别人。家家都有难念的经,人人都有难唱的曲。再风光的人,背后也有寒凉苦楚;再幸福的人,内心也有无奈难处。谁的人生都不易,笑人等于笑己,尊重别人就是尊重自己。最穷无非讨饭,不死总会出头。谁的人生十全十美,谁的生活没有薄凉,谁敢保证一直都是人生得意。早安。时间过的飞快,天气变得好坏;气温下降迅速;出门记得衣服;多吃素食蔬菜;夜晚记得多盖;健康时时补钙;快乐保持心态;朋友常常关爱;倍感舒心愉快; 早上常常关怀;人生充满真爱;这条祝福不赖。时间过的飞快,天气变得好坏;气温下降迅速;出门记得衣服;多吃素食蔬菜;夜晚记得多盖;健康时时补钙;快乐保持心态;朋友常常关爱;倍感舒心愉快; 早上常常关怀;人生充满真爱;这条祝福不赖。
《西雅图夜未眠》01:17:54 → -山姆:我看《十二金刚》哭了。吉姆·布朗扔手榴弹,理查德·杰克尔和李·马文坐在一辆坦克上打扮得像纳粹,特里尼·洛佩兹...他们跳伞时他的脖子断了,理查德·杰克尔戴着一顶闪亮的头盔,因为他是一名宪兵。-格雷格(伤心地):求你了,别再说了,上帝,我爱那部电影。(多年前看过了《金玉盟》,突然也想看看台词里提到的这部电影。之前看的《西雅图夜未眠》中文字幕版本把本片翻译成《十二英豪》让我一时没找到这部电影,为此去重看对应片段,才得知是这部《The Dirty Dozen》。)—— 1:45:47:他的脖子断了。His neck's broken. → 国语配音版却译成 “腿断了。”,呃~~
这不就是自杀小队+Fury吗...WB是有病吗害让Ayer搞这种??? 还是好看的,前面好些,Robert Ryan出场逐渐转为喜剧(?),然后结尾变成抗德神剧哈哈,超多喜欢的老牌演员,数星星好快乐!卡萨维蒂真他妈帅,不知道重制版导演心中的人选是谁哈。
原以为只是美式主旋律,一些容易引起政治与道德争议的场景出乎意料之外:一个不留的炸死德军家属,训练中对于李·马文 对群体心理学的应用,执行命令的士兵人性挣扎与道德模糊。军事上他们是英雄,人性上呢?奥尔德里奇把商业片拍出了文艺片的主题,150 分钟没白看720p.HDDVD.x264.HDBRiSe
1.11G .BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv