以写实的手法刻画: 孤独、压抑、敏感的少年内心世界, 成长的自我。 更何况还有恐惧和内疚, 只好将好像永远消耗不完的精力发泄在荒诞与暴力。 他们既是捕鼠者,也是被捕的鼠。 有着自己的生活,自己的个性,自己的境遇的父辈们, 他们也有他们的程度,也有他们的难处, 成长的家庭。 肮脏的社区,混乱的街道,昏庸的政治, 成长的环境。 … 但是, 少年的内心深处其实是温暖和柔软的, 他们渴望被尊重和了解, 不只是吃饱喝足,更需要精神与心灵的关怀,与爱。 父辈们虽可以理解,但也可以做的更多。 … 那窗明几净,那蓝天白云,那金色稻田, 和那少年的笑容, 是最美好的期许!
This blog post will engage with the main themes in the popular reception of the film Ratcatcher (Ramsay, 1999), using as a sample 25 user reviews and comments from the Chinese review-aggregation website Douban, selected on the basis of their length and complexity.
One of the most frequently encountered opinions, 10 of the reviews that I examined interpreted the film from the perspective of teenagers. They think this film depicts the inner world of a depressed, lonely, and sensitive teenager in a realistic way, and reflects the poverty and unbearable life of working-class life in Britain through the vision of a child. In particular, users write of ‘the growing pains of a teenager at the bottom of the pile’. Most people are saddened by the desperate emotional rendering of the film – a story of a traumatized teenager's confusion and sadness in the face of society and the world. For viewers of Douban, the film has reaped the most accolades for its portrayal of British society. Similarly frequent are views about the director’s shooting technique and cinematography, with users often remarking on Ramsay’s solid work as a photographer, revelling in the close-ups and contrasts between the movements and stillness of the shots in the film’s scene.
The film does reflect the oppression and suffering of the British working class through the eyes of the child, James, and many social contradictions are further revealed through James’s interactions with his family and friends. Although Chinese audiences are immersed in an atmosphere of despair and sadness, in my viewpoint, there is still a sense of redemption and hope in some scenes.
In the Ratcatcher, the story is set in the 1970s during a general strike by rubbish workers in the Glasgow area, where the streets were littered with rubbish, houses were in disrepair and rivers were muddy. Like many films typified by the British Kitchen sink Drama, Ratcatcher exposes the grim characteristics of society. It focuses on the lives of poor communities and the impact of poverty on families, and shows the depression and powerlessness of working-class life (Williams,1977; Higson, 1984). But Ramsey largely rejects institutional context and history, abandoning traditional political drives in favour of a more symbolic, suggestive, obscure narrative (Carlota, 2016). Thus, the Ratcatcher can be seen as a film of poetic realism and viewers can feel its hints of hope and redemption in scenes of despair.
Kenny's Snowball seems to be an amalgamation of destruction and hope. James has to endure the violence of those older than him but also wants to protect this cute little mouse. In the next series of shots, which are James's fantasy, the mouse flies to the moon in a red balloon and joins other mouse companions. This fantasy is also James's longing, which also represents the innocence and hope of children. As Aitken (2011) points out, Ramsey's use of fantasy techniques belies some of the tones of realism and makes surprises to create a form of poetic realism. Because at this point, James hopes to find his true playmate, who will no longer have to endure violence and pain. Just like rats fleeing from the earth, he wants to escape this awful community. Thus, poetically, the Ratcatcher gives the audience a child's perspective of how the underclass grows from the rubbish and how James releases his guilt and pain in his fantasies. James' fantasies seem to escape the mire of life and this moment of innocent simplicity contrasts with the dreary tone of the film, which makes the audience realise that these underclass teenagers still harbour hope, only to slowly fade away in the struggle of reality.
If the fantasy of a snowball flying to the moon represents the innocence and hope of a child, James in the wheat field has a sense of redemption in the film's desperate and heavy tone. The golden fields of wheat are a stark contrast to the dirty canals and rubbish-strewn city streets, where James can run freely through them without suffering violence or pain. In this poetic scene, James steps through the window and jumps into the wheat field. And at the same time, the cheerful and melodious music brings the audience to the romantic world of the child. Here he fantasizes about having a new house built in a field, which is also James' hope. The Ratcatcher seems to set up a 'paradise' in which the hope of society is rediscovered in the children’s vision.
Sadly, at the end of the film, James is unable to cope with the growing pains in a society of inequality and despair, and he chooses to die. However, the scenes immediately following add some imaginative warmth as he and his family arrive in the wheat field carrying belongings with the smile on their face, where their new home has been built. But they are still framed beyond the window, which seems to suggest their isolation from real life. After this scene, there is still a grey scene in which James sinks into the dirty river. This is a combination of landscape and narrative; thus, the dialectic of illusion and disillusionment is carried out, from the good mess into the bad mess (Trotter, 2008). Moreover, this tragic ending seems to hint at the disillusionment of James’s hope, but some pauses in the scenes, such as the pauses in the shot as James sinks and the pause in the running through the wheat field, still give the audience a powerful sense of redemption.
In sum, Ratcatcher is a poetic realist film that places individual confusion and social trauma in the scenes of despair and sadness through the eyes of children. However, the film leaves room for hope and redemption for the children, preserving them between fantasies and camera pauses.
Words: 1013
Reference list:
Aitken, S. C. (2007). Poetic child realism: Scottish film and the construction of childhood. Scottish Geographical Journal, 123 (1), 68-86.
Higson, A. (1984). Space, Place, Spectacle. Screen25 (4/5), 2-21.
Larrea, C. (2016). Ratcatcher. Senses of Cinema, 80, 1–5.
Ramsay, L. (Screenwriter/ Director). (1999). Ratcatcher[Motion picture]. France: Pathé Pictures International
Trotter, D. (2008). Lynne Ramsay’s “Ratcatcher”: Towards a Theory of Haptic Narrative. Paragraph, 31(2), 138–158.
Williams, R. (1977). A Lecture on Realism. Screen18 (1), pp.61-74
这不是一部闷片,而是一部直击心灵的影片。“无助、孤独、暴力、贫穷、性...”并不是每个人的童年都过的很美好,大多数人因为年少时做过错事而困扰一生,影片中一直用很平淡的社会手法拍摄,除了男主回来看一窝的老鼠以外,片中只有几处有背景音乐现在我还记得最深的是小男主坐在没有一人的公交车上望着车外,还有小男主在新房子里看着窗外好大一片草地在上面打滚,然后天快黑色一个人走在路上踢着空易拉罐回家,还有就是最后男主角选择自杀沉在河里幻想搬进新家的时候也是小男主全片唯一一次笑了的场景。 不仅是在国外,这种情况在中国有过很多,大人太忙或有自己重要的事情做而忽略了自己孩子,我也有过一个人太孤独的时候搭着公交坐在窗户边上一个人坐到终点站又坐回来,然而就像影片里的主要不是出现生命上的危险大人是不会管你的。“太阳和人心是我永远都不敢直视的。”
last film in SFF. Tilda is so charming!she said she will attend Lynne's next film which is really expecting! really love this director anyway.(有一些細節和特質是可供辨認的。如同你的小說。)
无助与失落在成长中交相辉映。Goodbye, Snowball!