

主演:Riya Vij,迪维亚·达塔,Arbaz Kadwani,Taaha Shah,Doorva Tripathi







  Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At home, she's trying to figure out how to deal with living in a broken home. In the middle of all this chaos, she falls madly in love with an older, brooding heartbreaker. When her love story comes to a humiliating end, and she is publicly scorned, she decides to take her life in her hands and accepts Shamira's challenge to stand against her in the school elections. Whatever the final outcome might be, Gippi makes sure she has a great time in the journey, filling it with delicious desserts, funny teachers, school crushes, and Shammi Kapoor dances. Gippi is a coming-of-age story of an ordinary, overweight girl, who, through the course of the film, learns to love herself for ...蓝天防线盟军夺宝队在勃艮第的一年震撼性丑闻夺命红问号闪闪火花 第一季罪·爱邀请函2020狄仁杰之焚天异火秘密的男人不速之客2019乘骑文化法律与秩序:特殊受害者第四季永恒时刻生命的证据恶童侦探地下特警国语最好的岁月BORDER饮食男女:好远又好近红鹰突击队之血溅狼湾一命我的秘密饭店蝎子王3:救赎之战666永:逝者代言人粤语父子老爷车义胆浓情夺命代码骗骗爱上你中国鸟人嫁个好人家卡门1983绝代妖姬囚徒瘦子的影子骏马奥斯温阿卡普高第一季我的超级前女友少林寺1982粤语警长索恩:胆小鬼/贪睡鬼关机 (国语版)双筒望远镜之兔子的朋友是乌龟受难遇仙记

