

主演:格雷格·亨普希尔,桑吉弗·科赫利,Ben Rufus Green,大卫·卡莱尔,Jim Kitson,Sally Howitt,Kat Ronney,伊莱恩·M·埃利斯,Danny Ashok,Sabrina Sandhu,Michael Monroe,Ashley Storrie,Clare Gray,Martine Brown,Matt Littleson,Molly Geddes,Rosalind McAndrew,Lawrence Smith







  Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores her life living with her sister and best friend Evie. However, when Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks and makes Nina her maid of honour, Nina is floored. Forced to reconcile with her sister’s impulsive decision, Nina grapples with what this new challenge means.  Nina’s relationship with her sister isn’t the only change that she’s navigating, as she explores new possibilities in her palaeontology career and a potential new relationship in her own life with the introduction of kind-hearted Lee, who helps Nina to see these new challenges in a more positive light. As their relationship blossoms, we see that Nina helps Lee just as much as he helps her.早间新闻 第三季枪林弹雨龙马精神1965潮人假阳性和你在一起诅咒2023我的电影他们第一季穿透屋顶的High Kick变脸惊情我最棒蓝色废墟都市女孩第六季导火线 導火綫(粤语版)炎炎夏日冰山一角与魔鬼同行六壮士火力少年王2咪咪2021废柴兄弟 第五季梦幻岛2020不能走那条路林深时见麓僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事人生补时凹头弹最佳贼拍档B计划南行宝藏2015聊斋新编之辛女绑架2011窥镜生死恋1998公牛历险记富贵逼人爱莎

