接档上一季的故事,这一季开篇就用力很猛,开头两集的议题振聋发聩。只是上一季风光无限的alpha male角色戏份被一撸到底,是演员档期出现什么变故了吗?
和the good fight不同,尽管本剧一直努力贴近当下社会热点,但却没有偏离律政题材太远。最后一集尤其感动,算是给明年的大选未雨绸缪了。是因为知道自己被砍吗?
In a few hours, you're going to go through that door, you're going to sit down together, you're going to sort through the evidence, you're going to listen to each other, you're going to argue, You will. And then you're gonna do what humans have done throughout history to make difficult and important decisions. You are going to vote.
We are here so that you can vote. Our entire system of justice is built on this. Your vote. So, now, imagine, you go back into that room, and someone comes in and says, "Wait, no. Not you." No. No. No. No. No. You can't vote. He votes. And him. And him. And that's it. That is this case.
Mr.Spiller created a sophisticated operation to deprive Americans of their existential right to participate in self-government. It is flagrantly undemocratic, but what is so pernicious and insidious about this operation is that it pretends to preserve the democratic government it undermines. "We're just rooting out 'fraud.' "We're just trying to 'protect' the vote." We care about the 'integrity'of the election." These are lies. And these are dangerous lies, because the greatest threat to democracy is making it meaningless. Hollow. Dysfunctional. If you live in an authoritarian government, And some of you have, I'm sure there is always the promise of democracy. There is hope. But if appears to be a democracy and it doesn't work, what is there left to hope for? There is here, now, something left to hope for.
Democracy isn't one story. It is our story. Of coming together. Of building and progress. Of unity and participation and representation. It is a story. That starts with one person on one day in one line pulling one lever. An ink-stained thumb. A red pinky. A paper ticket in a plastic bucket. An X. A number. A digit. A pencil mark. A raised hand. A voice.
A vote. A choice. A choice between two things. And this choice today is yours. You can continue to tell this story, our story. Or you can help end it.
能与2012年The Newsroom首集Will的speech “Why America is not the greatest country any more”媲美了,如果我有一个sharper mind。
Jay: I don’t understand what’s happening here. What country is this?
Tina: This is America.
Jay: This is not the America I know. When I came here with my family, we had nothing and we struggle. But we built a life here and we were welcome here. For years, my Dad kept this little picture of Ronald Regan above our kitchen table, with this quotes from him bout immigrants. “This families came here to work. They came to build. They brought with them courage, ambition, and the values of family.” That is the America I know. I am an immigrant. I am the child of immigrants. We were welcome here.
Tina: And today you probably wouldn’t be.
This is America. It expands and it contracts. Advances and recedes. Opens and closes. This is a country birthed in freedom and built on slavery. Separating families? They separated the black families in America for 250 years. What makes this feel so bad now is that we expect more. And that’s a good thing. This pain is progress.
But do not forget who we are and where we come from. I do not forget where I came from. I grew up in West Baltimore, around the corner from where Justice Marshall grew up. This Justice Marshall. He knew my father. He stood in my living room. The elementary school I went to, Mt. Royal, I went to because of him. I’m here, because of him. He was the grandson of a slave, and he changed American law. He changed the very idea of the Constitution! He made a document that considered him three-fifths of a man. A document of liberation.
This is the America I know. A beacon and a curse. Light and darkness. Hope and despair. This is America right now. But America never ends.
1. Anna Deavere Smith的表演实在太漂亮,铿锵有力,抑扬顿挫。同片演员Ben Rappaport(饰演Seth)在推上说这段独白恰恰是Anna Deavere Smith被称为国宝的原因。
2. 最后一句:这是我认识的美国。是一座灯塔也是一个诅咒。是光明也是黑暗。是希望也是绝望。这是如今的美国,然而我们从不消亡。
3. 从黑人的角度解读如今这段混乱的、以驱逐移民甚至不惜拆散家庭为使命的社会历史不得不说没有讽刺意味,但是演员演出了因为懂得所以慈悲的大悲大爱之感——我夸张了,请见谅。
3. 改变了法律的Justice Marshall指的是用Brown v. Board of Education推翻美国隔离教育法案的那位法官,Thurgood Marshall。他在1991年逝世。
4. “五分之三个人”是美国奴隶制时代一个针对有效选举人数的一条协议法案。
This is a country birthed in freedom and built on slavery. A beacon and a curse. Light and darkness. Hope and despair.
结束的有点仓促啊 为什么硬要给大家安排一个结局呢
第十集找不到 很喜欢KLJ的着装啊 S说话太咄咄逼人的感觉...很多笑点 很好剧啊
蓝色和灰色卫衣明明很丑给吸血鬼哥一穿帅爆了 里面的一众小律师随便一件运动服也好看的 年轻版的律政剧劲儿劲儿的很棒了已经
依然很有代表性也很精彩,虽然控辩双方时常有些观点未能说到尽,但毕竟连法律与秩序SVU也常常在顾及议题性的时候无法将观点说到底,傲骨系列的调查员各个大红,这剧则似乎不太会塑造这类角色,上一季的毫无特色,这一季则换成了《younger》里最不讨喜的男配,延续《younger》里那让人厌烦的耍帅风格,看看从奥斯汀回来的Knox耍帅耍得多自然,new Ted却是怎么耍怎么造作,在哪耍都那么造作,《younger》和这剧若都能删了他,剧集质量能再上层楼
逻辑清晰 剧情紧凑 虽然法庭辩论过于简单但限于时长可以理解