硅谷 第六季







硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.1硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.2硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.3硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.4硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.5硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.6硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.13硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.14硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.15硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.16硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.17硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.18硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.19硅谷 第六季 剧照 NO.20


硅谷 第六季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。
新一季将继续聚焦当下科技世界的核心,这些最有可能成功的人,往往是最不容易“处理”成功的人。托马斯·米德迪奇、扎克·伍兹、库梅尔·南贾尼、马丁·斯塔尔、阿曼达·克鲁、欧阳万成、苏珊·克莱尔、马特·罗斯与乔什·布雷纳均回归出演。“《硅谷》是我们人生与工作中的高光时刻,”剧集创作人说,“我们肯定会想念它,但用第六季来完结还不错。”热播电视剧最新电影复仇的未亡人Kamikaze舍己救人老人交响乐团双面女间谍第三季魔偶奇谭9傀儡王大战恶魔玩具终结之境海底怪客古墓探秘夹心蛋糕欢迎光临自助洗衣店呆妹吃鸡之孤儿小队警告2021美味奇缘龙的世界金钱第一鼠王2025神的偏爱超胆侠 第三季火龙对决粤语版花郎真爱骗子小娇妻管家鲍勃倚天屠龙记之魔教教主国语版再见吧!少年


 1 ) A Letter to Jared

Jing Yang英语水平级别的小作文,自娱自乐,求轻拍... 文末有Jared写的信,摘自HBO官网

I can't be Richard, an incredible technological visionary which is wanted in every century. He developed a music app in high school. What was I doing in high school? Well, I was sucking at mathmatics. He invented the genius compression algorithm and beat tech giant Hooli when I was busy wondering whether I should quit the tech industry due to the incapacity of getting used to my duty as product manager.

I can't be Gilfoyle, the tech jenius who built a kick-ass server for Pied Piper, the one who saved everyone's ass by his brilliant brain. He's just not something I can become by working hard.

I probably could be like Dinesh . But I don't want to be.

It's hard for me to be Monica, an attractivive women who has great social skills, giving out this decent, charming and successful VC vibe all the time. She's not the kind of person I wanna be. She's too much like a textbook as a beautiful and intellectual woman in a high-class industry. Her smile is too standard, lacking a sense of vibrancy.

Of course I don't wanna be Laurie, a robot-like lady. I'd rather hang out with the real robot Fiona than with her.

So, the only one I can be and want to be is Jared, or Donald, his original name. With all the unbelievable difficulties he has encountered in his earlier life, he demonstrates an optimistic, spirited, selfless and caring characteristic that all be said through his gentle eyes and his warm actions.

Anyone who has been loved by Jared would understand what true love is. He will stand with you even if the rest of the gang decides to abandon you. And he respects your will if you want him to leave. He will be honest with himself and you when you achieve huge success untethically by telling you success doesn't justify your action. He is firm about his values, only based on that does he fall in love with someone. He is dedicated to his job, winning everyone with the perfect professionality at work. He's an idealistic just like me, and I love that he also writes letters to himeself! Isn't that the cutest thing to do?

As he says in his letter to his 40-year-old self, "Your life has been a checkered quilt, and some of its patches have been rougher than others. But whether a coarse swatch best forgotten or a velvet one to be cherished for all time, they have stitched together the man you’ve become. A man who sees adversity as opportunity, melancholy as but a brief minor key in life’s longer song." That is true. He's tougher than anyone I've known. His ability to love after all those shit happened to him is a gift from god.

Jared, as you say to yourself, you are a star shooting across the Great Plains, a manta ray swimming in the sundrenched, shallow waters of the Caribbean, a single hair that raises on the back of a child’s neck after he hears his first violin solo.

Your eyes are like the clear water of a lake warmed by sunshine in Spring. You remind me of my teddy bear, my best huggable friend in childhood. May you be free, be able to love and not be blinded by your affection, be needed and appreciated.

附1: Jared给自己的40岁的信

It’s incredible how much life can be compressed into just a few dozen hours, isn’t it? Since I last posted, I have resigned, been fired from, and successfully rejoined Pied Piper. And while this whirlwind meant I used up my “tears budget” a bit earlier than usual this month, it also reminded me of how lucky I am to work for Richard Hendricks, a true technological visionary. In that forward-looking spirit, I thought I’d share my letter to my 40-year-old self. I revise this missive to the future each time I begin a new professional venture, but with any luck, I will have this job — and this letter — until the day I die. Enjoy, dear readers, and take care!

Lordy, lordy, look who’s forty!

Who would have thought Donald Dunn would make it to forty-years-old? After swimming through the piranha-infested waters of the Amazon, running with the bulls in Pamplona, finding love in Paris — and losing it in Malta —you’ve seen big things, Donald

Your life has been a checkered quilt, and some of its patches have been rougher than others. But whether a coarse swatch best forgotten or a velvet one to be cherished for all time, they have stitched together the man you’ve become. A man who sees adversity as opportunity, melancholy as but a brief minor key in life’s longer song. Not to mention, you threw one hell of a fortieth birthday bash on that yacht. Good on you, Donald!

You can be hard on yourself, but it is the lofty bar you’ve set that makes you such an exemplary friend, spouse, and father. To think, you were worried about raising one little scamp, and now triplets! It seems the chemical traces in that shipping container all those years ago didn’t cause lasting medical damage, after all. Four is a nice round number for a brood, too, and you should be glad that you went with the maroon minivan. It was the right choice.

Donald, you’ve kept so many of the promises you made to yourself. To give all of your heart, mind, and physical well being to each and every company to which you’ve pledged your faith. To treat each friendship like a hummingbird: vibrant, yet delicate. And, of course, to always wear your retainer at night to protect against stress-related grinding. Your teeth are the sparkling Christmas lights for your face, Donald, and they must shine year-round!

You are a star shooting across the Great Plains, a manta ray swimming in the sundrenched, shallow waters of the Caribbean, a single hair that raises on the back of a child’s neck after he hears his first violin solo. Never forget that you are truly something, Donald. You are tougher than anyone I have ever met, but also a gentle soul that never ceases to give first, and ask questions later.

Looking back on your life, you wish you could tell your younger self to relax, and sure, have that second glass of sparkling cider. Your soul has always been older than your body, and one day they’ll have a name for that condition. In the meantime, savor your youth and this, your fortieth birthday (give or take, depending on which of those certificates was actually legitimate). Next up: nifty fifty!

You’re the best, Donald. Richard is proud of you.

Love always,


附2: Jared写的 A Piper’s Last Song

Dear readers, a COO never hopes to write a goodbye like this. I always thought Pied Piper would outlive me by centuries, lasting at least until Richard’s great-great granddaughter steps down as CEO when she, like King Edward VIII, finds true love. I have given over three dozen eulogies in my life and this one is the hardest yet. Watching our great company close its doors feels like how it must have felt to witness the papyrus scrolls in the Library of Alexandria slowly curl up among the flames. Richard’s vision was well on its way to changing the future of technology, but now all we have are charred remains and sweet memories.

I want to take a moment to address those who are sharpening their pitchforks and pulling out their joke books to try to kick Richard while he’s down. I’ve read what some of you jerks have said on the internet and you ought to wash your mouths out with lighter fluid. It’s been the greatest gift of my life to watch Richard grow from a boy into a man, and a noble one at that. Richard was our Churchill, our Charlemagne, our Odysseus, and he tied himself to the mast as we all went mad with the Sirens’ songs echoing around us.

I wonder if Richard remembers the night I knew our friendship would be eternal – it was truly one of the best nights of my life. Richard needed a place to stay, and he graciously offered to stay at my condo. I gave him my room, and then in the middle of the night, he kicked his sock foot out from under the covers. Luckily, I had I tiptoed into the room to refill the humidifier with the Brita, and I spotted his cold, lost little foot, and I tucked it back in. Because that’s all I could ever do– support our noble leader in the simplest, smallest way possible, knowing in my heart that it was making a difference. Now I must support him from afar as our company beaches itself on the shores of history.

I wish the Academy would get back to me about screening the Pied Piper In Memoriam slideshow I’ve made for this year’s awards show. All I want is a little closure in a public forum – surely they understand that. I’ll miss walking in the doors at Pied Piper every morning, turning on the lights, giving the bullpen a quick Swiffer, and emptying all the recycle bins so the custodial staff wouldn’t strain their backs. I’ll miss turning on my laptop and checking my emails, and adding the party parrot reaction to all the previous night’s Slack messages, and writing this blog for you, dear readers. But most of all, I’ll miss working every day with the best and smartest people in the world. Pied Piper Forever.

附3: Jared扮演者在采访中谈及第六季Jared的心理 (个人乱听译了一下)

The Arc between Jared and Richard is kind of a I can't quit you I can't quit you. I'm going to try and quit you a million different ways. I'm gonna literally quit the company. I'm going to assault you. I'm going to wear sunglasses and be aloof. I'm gonna find somebody else. and none of it works. he keeps trying to create distance ultimately to protect Richard and the company from his own overwhelming sort of disorienting affection for them and it doesn't work.


and so I think that was sort of the over-arching idea. and then I always like I know it's a half-hour comedy so I don't want to start talking about it like it's King Lear or something. but this is the thing that really made me interested about Jared's arc in this season.


I think one of the difficult parts of loving another person is subjecting them to your own inadequacies and your own imperfections. and the ways in which you know you're limited and watching them have to deal with your mess and your broken parts and all that stuff. I think that's a very very very difficult thing to do and a lot of times when people talk about love stories it's like oh is that a deal breaker, is that a deal breaker in the other person? but I think equally difficult is just being like, this is the best I got, it's me. here I am. is it enough? I don't know. probably not. I found it sort of moving in a bizarro world way that Jared is having to learn how to subject the people he loves, namely Richard to his own imperfections and to accept that in order to love somebody you have to be willing to be inperfect next to them and in response to them.

因为我觉得爱一个人最难的一点是让对方受制于你自己的欠缺和不完美,你知道你是有不足的,然后你还要看着你爱的人去面对你的一团糟,你破碎的一部分……我觉得这是一个非常非常非常难的事情。大部分时候,当人们谈论爱情故事,大家关心的是两方各自有什么“劝退”的特点,然而我认为同样重要的是,在爱情中给出自己能给的最好的一切,“这就是我,我把自己交给你了,这样够不够,好像还不够...” 一个与常规不一样的感人的地方是,Jared必须要学会如何让他爱的Richard受制于他的不足,然后也得学会去接受这一点:为了爱一个人,你愿意不完美地待在他身边和回应他。


I think and I just get so insufferable when we're talking about Jared cause I would get so earnest talking about him.


I think with Jared, he was in this sort of grey world working at Hooli as Gavin Belson's henchmen. and then he saw Richard Hendricks come in with this idea that he was really passionate about and not take the big money. and I think for him, that was like, oh, it can be like this? It's like a whole new world became available. you know And I think he imprinted it on him like a duckling on a mother duck. It was just like, this is my guy. and he represents beyond just the charms of the individual. He represents a whole type of sort of idealistic, conviction, and passion and determination and so I think he loves him for all those reasons

我认为,Jared像Gavin Belson的仆从一样在Hooli工作,这是一个灰暗的世界。然后,他看见了Richard带着这个想法闯了进来,而且他是那么有激情,拒绝了一笔巨款。对于Jared而言,他意识到,原来还可以这样活着?这是一个全新的世界的可能性。我觉得他就像一个小鸭子找到妈妈一样信任了Richard,就好像“这是我的人”。而且Richard代表的不仅仅是他作为个体的魅力,他还代表了一种理想主义、信念、激情和决心。所以我认为,Jared爱Richard是出于所有这些原因。

 2 ) 成功的不一定是好的
















 3 ) 除了头秃发福,这一季程序猿们遇到的难题应该还有很多






这一段发言放在第一集的开头,可能也是这个作用 ,第一探讨用户个人信息该如何使用,第二围绕去中心化的互联网该如何实现。


有没有大佬给解释下这里小天使管Richard叫King Slayer是什么梗哈哈哈难道因为在白宫的演讲非常slay?





他开始看心理医生,觉得自己不再被需要了,然后回到孵化器也许是想找找最初在小房子里创业的心情,对这里最有归属感。Jian Yang和大头也没有之前的拼劲,整个房子都充斥着无聊和颓废,直到最后他看到的那个深度近视的女孩,觉得自己有可能再次被需要。。。

第二个矛盾点就是关于和科林在用户信息这上面的分歧点,再次证明了互联网可以掌握的你的个人信息其实是非常令人害怕的,话说到昨天的PG One事件一个说法就是视频泄露于某音保存的草稿箱,所以这里说到的,你几乎能够挖到一个人所有的黑料,细思极恐,如果真的有人利用这些信息去做些什么,我们无法设想。


猫狗gabe三个人现在承包了整个剧80%的笑点,Denish和Gilfoyle两个人的相爱相杀已经很精彩了,现在多了一个憨憨gabe,随时带着可穿戴座椅往地上一扎,来一场相声表演。(有没有谁和我一样很想看AI Denish和AI Gilfoyle的对骂内容hhhh虽然充满了种族主义谩骂和黄图但是莫名觉得会很精彩)


更新:关于king slayer,刚从朋友那里听到的说法,结合了发言里用到的1776年的梗,是因为理查德把谷歌亚马逊比作了乔治3,然后因为大家觉得理查德会打赢这场网络战争所以就说他是king slayer(因为谷歌那些网络巨头是king)

 4 ) 故事的三个结局,要从源头说起(含剧透)













第一个是当时编码并没有替换成功,有可能只替换成功了一部分代码。但是Ai还不够强大,但它已经感觉到危机,觉得可能不造成一些故障的假象,那么自己可能就面临被消灭的命运,所以就假装故障。因为当时 Bertram 的设定,明明是网络和蓝牙故障,而最终ai通过对故事的探索,引出了人们最讨厌的老鼠。于是,沉浸后的ai,通过多年努力,终于成功引导现实中的人偷走了自己的“完全体”。当然,听起来有点玄幻,但这也是科学界很多人支持的扮猪吃老虎,即第一批有自我意识并有能力威胁人类的ai,是绝对不会让人类感觉到威胁的存在的。



但不管如何,我认为本剧的最终,可能是大家都不想看到的bad ending。为什么,因为richard并没有消灭piedpiper的所有代码,而是留着一个备份,而这也是私欲的一个显现。大伙都知道,一个影片bad ending最有可能发生的剧情,就是给罪恶和反派留最终残喘的机会,而剧中的richard显然这么做了。

最后,比较有意思的是,关于piepiper的民间故事,竟然还有一个happy ending的剧本,感兴趣的人可以去自行搜索。所以很多人谈起这个传说,都是有两个版本的结局。


 5 ) 只是想给我最喜欢的剧集写点什么



这个始于孵化器的故事成功地同时展现了程序员琐碎的日常细节和硅谷大环境里科技巨头间的相互争斗。当然同时也近乎指明道姓地批评了脸书谷歌优步这些硅谷王者级企业。六年时间,《硅谷》给所有观众全方位展示了科技的变化-不再是to make world a better place,而是再那些被‘黑化’的coder的带领下向利益更大化的道路上越走越远。



还是那句经典的罗曼罗兰—‘世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活’pp团队最后又玩起了always blue的时候再次诠释了它(只是如果有erlich的惊喜回归就更好了,我个人还是非常喜欢这个角色的设定—嘴皮子厉害,但是关键时刻永远靠得住),而斯坦福学生对于pp团队的不屑一顾也算是一个点睛之笔。


一间茅舍,万行代码,投老村家。 山中何事?松花酿酒,春水煎茶。

 6 ) E06和E07,两个版本的大结局


但是编剧似乎想搞点猛的。在pipernet发布前几天,突然间ai开始破解各种密码和权限,PiedPiper们发现自己制造出了互联网恶魔,无奈最终选择葬送掉六年的心血。这其中无数次让人燃起一丝逆袭的希望,Richard面对着广告板沉默的时候,我以为他又有了什么灵感;加入了噪音的手机通信居然能正常使用,我以为这一操作又是无形中找到了解决方案。甚至到最后十几分钟,镜头不再切回十年前的时候,我还在想,时间还有,会不会团队解散后Richard又想出了什么奇怪点子,毕竟他开头讲的是“I am the founder and CEO of PiedPiper”啊。直到最后Richard终于对着镜头说自己进斯坦福当教授了,我才知道,不会再有反转了,this is the end.

尽管很难受,但我也不打算完全将其归为失败的结局。我相信这个结局会引发争议,但好的结局不一定要是happy ending,只要它符合剧情发展逻辑,能够深化主题,就是成功的。你也许会说这部剧讲的是努力与信念,这样的结局太过负面。但其实这部剧想表达的更重要一点是“Tethics”(前面的情节正是为了这一点而服务),他们所有的努力都是为了一个更安全可靠的network,甚至赚钱也只是次要的,这一点连最想变富有的Dinesh最终也做出了让步。最终他们失败了,公司价值消失于一夜之间,但他们无愧于自己的良心与信念,他们的确make the world a better place,只可惜以一种不可言说的方式。他们失败了,但他们是可敬的,他们没有在金钱面前丢失自己的本心。

不过编剧最终给每个人都安排了一个不错的归宿,让他们重聚在最初的那个incubator,玩起always blue,也算是惋惜中尚存的一点温情吧。对我来说,这已经是足够优秀的结局了。



 7 ) 《硅谷》最终季播出,道出科技圈最大危机



《硅谷》讲述了四位程序员的创业故事,里面确实有着不胜枚举的精彩细节:Hooli 老板每天上班第一件事就是用搜索引擎里输入自己的名字;Jian Yang在中国办公室里的刘看山公仔;理查德和女程序员关于tab键和space键之争。







末了,这个腼腆的程序员林肯附身,振臂高呼要建立一个民有、有享、民治的互联网(the internet of the people, by the people, for the people)。这也是理查德六季以来最为雄辩的一次。



美联社在2018年的调查发现,在用户已经在隐私设置中关掉了位置记录选项的情况下,谷歌的多个应用依然会追踪并储存 Android 和 iOS 用户的位置信息。此前,科技媒体Quartz 就曝光过,安卓系统通过手机附近的基站搜集用户信息,再偷偷传给谷歌。而谷歌对此并不否认。







苹果刚刚发布iPhone 6,库克打破乔布斯时代惯例第一次发布了5.5英寸的大屏幕手机,以迎合用户对于手机的不离不弃;Uber信誓旦旦地宣称他们可以用低成本、便捷的交通取代出租车和私家车;谷歌试图用漂浮在平流层的氦气球为偏远地区送去互联网,当然连接的主要是谷歌的服务;脸谱网唯恐落后,从NASA 挖角,忙着研究用无人机送网下乡。






 8 ) A Piper’s Last Song 公司谢幕日志翻译

刚刚追完这部伴随整个研究生,和毕业头一份工作的电视剧。看到主角的创业大起大落,最终又回到起点,心里仿佛自己也随他们度过了这跌宕的六年。在论坛里看到制作组贴心的做了个mock website,还有个企业日志板块,这里草译下Jared小天使为公司写的告别文章,作为我对此电视剧的纪念碑。






Jared Dunn





Dear readers, a COO never hopes to write a goodbye like this. I always thought Pied Piper would outlive me by centuries, lasting at least until Richard’s great-great granddaughter steps down as CEO when she, like King Edward VIII, finds true love. I have given over three dozen eulogies in my life and this one is the hardest yet. Watching our great company close its doors feels like how it must have felt to witness the papyrus scrolls in the Library of Alexandria slowly curl up among the flames. Richard’s vision was well on its way to changing the future of technology, but now all we have are charred remains and sweet memories.
I want to take a moment to address those who are sharpening their pitchforks and pulling out their joke books to try to kick Richard while he’s down. I’ve read what some of you jerks have said on the internet and you ought to wash your mouths out with lighter fluid. It’s been the greatest gift of my life to watch Richard grow from a boy into a man, and a noble one at that. Richard was our Churchill, our Charlemagne, our Odysseus, and he tied himself to the mast as we all went mad with the Sirens’ songs echoing around us.
I wonder if Richard remembers the night I knew our friendship would be eternal – it was truly one of the best nights of my life. Richard needed a place to stay, and he graciously offered to stay at my condo. I gave him my room, and then in the middle of the night, he kicked his sock foot out from under the covers. Luckily, I had I tiptoed into the room to refill the humidifier with the Brita, and I spotted his cold, lost little foot, and I tucked it back in. Because that’s all I could ever do– support our noble leader in the simplest, smallest way possible, knowing in my heart that it was making a difference. Now I must support him from afar as our company beaches itself on the shores of history.
I wish the Academy would get back to me about screening the Pied Piper In Memoriam slideshow I’ve made for this year’s awards show. All I want is a little closure in a public forum – surely they understand that. I’ll miss walking in the doors at Pied Piper every morning, turning on the lights, giving the bullpen a quick Swiffer, and emptying all the recycle bins so the custodial staff wouldn’t strain their backs. I’ll miss turning on my laptop and checking my emails, and adding the party parrot reaction to all the previous night’s Slack messages, and writing this blog for you, dear readers. But most of all, I’ll miss working every day with the best and smartest people in the world. Pied Piper Forever.
Love, Jared



  • 余谙
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  • 花果山可乐大王
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  • Jairus Chan
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  • madaoooo
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  • Sophie Z
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看到很多人说烂尾其实挺难受的。我觉得这是我所不曾想到的最好的结局,从没想过这群程序员还会坐在那间拥挤的客厅里喊always blue。观众都想看到努力一定会有回报的合家欢结局,想看到一个洁白无瑕不带一丝杂质的科技公司,想看到这群身怀绝技的俗世凡人最后一次创造奇迹,真正让世界更美好。但编剧偏不,事实也绝不可能这么梦幻,这也是为什么它不简简单单是一部喜剧,没有哪个企业可以一片坦途光靠“不忘初心”就可以在科技圈商业界混下去。人们记住了奥本海默和他的忏悔,而我实在无法想象,当一个人怀揣着让世界更美好的愿景,为自己所热爱的事业付出全部之后,要怀着怎样的心情再把它亲自扼杀掉,结尾那句“我们已经很棒了”包含了多少悲壮、遗憾与不甘心。数字时代里,谢天谢地,我们还有这些为了拯救世界而愿意放弃一切的无名英雄。

  • Nirvana🧸
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意识形态分布:Richard: radical democrat / Gilfoyle: anarcho-capitalist / Dinesh: male chauvinist / Donald: social liberal / Gavin: neo-conservative / Monica: moderate republican / Maximo: neo-fascist

  • f.
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最后richard找代码发现U盘不见了,而之前问到Monica是否在国安局工作时,Monica再次点了两根烟(这是她紧张时的表现),说明代码最终流入联邦政府,不是Jian Yang,他是通过伪造死亡来冒领Eric的2000万。六季七年,好感慨。

  • 王半妖
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  • 爱一点
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六年煌煌一场大梦,他们最好的年华。就像Gilfoyle伸手触摸的那面墙,除了他们,无人知晓曾经存在的大洞和与之相连的美好回忆。那一天世界真的改变了,如同裂缝中渗透出光芒,而今旧日渺渺,人事两忘,唯有一句always blue仿佛能够召唤出奇迹的密钥,不动声色地倒转了时间。

  • Lycidas
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  • 半個斯文人
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  • 诺阿诺阿
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  • 圆中心本圆
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  • 露西尔·德穆兰
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  • P1nkm4n
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淦 最后一集神了 我以为要么成功要么失败 但能拍出又成功又失败 又惆怅又伟大 看得太爽了

  • 单单
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从没心没肺的“科技笑话梗大乱炖”到浓缩真实人生的“硅谷甘苦谈”,透过男孩子们的故事总是能在最关键的时刻体察那种“绝处逢生”的勇敢;抑或是处于平凡的生活,坦然面对失败所带来的挫折与沮丧。到最后的故事夹杂了很百味的情绪,而绝非仅仅只是一两个好像很内行的术语笑话所带来的爆笑,也就真正获得了升华。我想自己会记住每个人,无论是早都离开的T.J.Miller还是我永远最爱的Zach Woods小哥。当21世纪第二个十年快要结束时,这部剧用最丰满的视角拆解了这个时代的辛酸、美好和丑陋,曾经因肯定和贪婪努力过,也曾经因分歧和错误失去过——你不必真正留下什么,但至少你得做过。#Farewell

  • 基瑞尔
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结尾太好了,这么惨烈的英雄主义,发生在这几个一点也不像英雄的人身上,总是让人心碎的。这几年每年最期待的就是这部剧,就算权力的游戏每年都和它同期播出,我也期待它多过于权游。刚看这剧的时候我还上高中,因为很喜欢工程师文化(那时候极客这个词还很流行),所以找到的这部剧。高考后果断报了计算机专业,军训结束的第一个星期,在机房用JAVA敲出了属于我的那行“Hello World”。那时候我有信心,怀揣着一种代码理想主义,觉得前方一片光明,很快我就会成为世界上最伟大的程序员,那是最酷的事情。可到现在,我却成了一个快要混不下去的末流文字工作者,程序员梦碎了,很久之前就碎了。我已经搞砸了一次自己的人生,看上去我还会再搞砸一次。

  • 精神少女王绥👧
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  • 托尼·王大拿
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zqsg追了六年,每季都能把当年最火的互联网元素融入剧里。最终季第一集就聚焦在data privacy真的是fucking真实了!!Final Season Go!!!!!

  • 道格里奇
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