

主演:保罗·爱丁顿,奈杰尔·霍桑,德里克·福德斯,伊莲诺·布罗,约翰·内特尔顿,戴安娜·霍迪诺特,Talla Hayes,Richard Simpson,Peter Howell,Jeffrey Segal,Donald Pelmear











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  本剧叙述在野党影子内阁成员Jim Hacker在帮助本党大选获胜之后得到行政事务部(DAA)部长的职务,从此开始面对以部秘书Sir Humphrey Appleby为首的公务员体系,而他的公派私人秘书、同属公务员的Bernard则夹在了当中。在Hacker所代表的政客以及Appleby所代表的公务员之间因施政而发生的种种冲突之中,两人的关系不停地发生变化,既有互相捂盖子,也有互相揭老底。与此同时,英国政治体制(包括政党体制和公务员体制)中的种种不为外人所知弊端和黑幕也展现在观众眼前。当然所有这些都是通过大量喜剧情节和台词展开。在本系列后半部分的《Yes Prime Minister》中,Hacker通过党内角力当上了首相,而Appleby也已先他一步当上了首相秘书,两人的故事移到唐宁街10号继续展开。热播电视剧最新电影丹麦之子昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的21年北国英雄爱的天堂冰血暴第三季忠烈杨家将粤语鬼影圣徒秘录荒野迷案大明猩唤醒2023照片中的女孩功夫状元沉默的真相热血情敌恋爱麻烦,但是甜连锁阴谋禁止生育的女性神秘家族忠犬八公中国版铝世代如懿传怪谈新耳袋 最终夜他告诉我的最后一件事我再爱妈妈一次午夜先生:小心怪物第一季


 1 ) The Suits of Yes Minister

Costume design is an important element of characterisation. Invariably, how a person is dressed has an influence on other people’s perceptions of that person, and this fact is just as important in film or on TV. Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister are interesting examples of this, as the costume design is very subtle. Indeed, I’ve been re-watching them lately and it is only because I’m a style hack that I noticed the costume design at all. There are three key characters in the series, namely the Minister and later Prime Minister, Jim Hacker MP; the Minister’s Permanent Secretary and later Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby; and the Minister and later Prime Minister’s Principal Private Secretary, Bernard Woolley. There are key differences between all three upon which shall be elaborated throughout.

Jim Hacker (Paul Eddington) was educated at the London School of Economics, which is actually an extremely respectable but practical university founded in the 19th century, and therefore commands disdain from both Appleby and Woolley, graduates of the ancient Oxford. Hacker tends to dress slightly less traditionally, or perhaps ‘more in tune with the times’ is a better way of putting it. He tends to favour double-breasted suits, which lend him a traditional air of statesmanship. Generally, Hacker ties his tie using a four-in-hand, or “schoolboy” knot. This knot lends a more casual air to the formality of a suit and tie, and appears less fastidious than a Windsor knot, which is often associated with the well-to-do.


Since the Global Financial Crisis, the four-in-had has become popular with politicians again today as politicians strive to be more ‘at one’ with the voters. Hacker’s pocket squares tend to be puffed in his pocket and are usually brightly coloured, dating the programme to a time when many people still wore pocket squares on the daily. The influences on Hacker’s choice of clothing are alluded to in the episode, “The Ministerial Broadcast”, where it is suggested that on television he wear a light coloured, ‘business-like’ suit for delivering no new information, or a dark coloured suit for announcing big changes, in order to appear more sincere. In the elements of his outfits, though, Hacker is dressed like a man of the people, in a manner that is authoritative and yet also friendly.

This is in direct contrast to Sir Humphrey Appleby (Nigel Hawthorne). An Oxford man with a privileged upbringing, Sir Humphrey always wears single-breasted, two-button suits, usually with a light coloured shirt and pocket square. His ties vary, but all are tied with a perfect half-Windsor (you can tell by the size of the knot). This knot signifies the difference in monetary value of Humphrey and Hacker. Here is a man who is on at least £30,000 a year, according to Yes Minister – this is more than Hacker earns, and it shows! With the exception of the YPM episode, “The Key”, Humphrey never looks untidy or dishevelled, and all his outfits are perfectly tailored. Refreshingly, Sir Humphrey’s suits do not follow the 1980s fashion for having a particularly low gorge (where the collar meets the lapel), and so have not dated at all, as opposed to Hacker’s double-breasted suits, which are a complete product of their age.

Sir Humphrey's face looks cons

In all his behaviour, Humphrey is a stickler for tradition, and his costume design reflects this. As a sidenote, Ian Fleming had this to say about Windsor knots: “Bond mistrusted anyone who tied his tie with a Windsor Knot. It showed too much vanity. It was often the mark of a cad.” Perhaps Hacker should have taken heed of this advice.

Bernard (Derek Fowlds), also an Oxford man from the upper classes, tends towards the same standards as Humphrey, most notably the Windsor knot. Interestingly, however, Woolley’s costuming changes the most out of all the leads over time. Throughout Yes Minister, Woolley is learning the ropes of the civil services, still quite young and green compared to the experienced Sir Humphrey. Bernard, in his youthful idealism, is yet to gain the automatic jaded outlook of Sir Humphrey. Perhaps as a reflection of this, Bernard’s dress sense in the earlier series is quite dandyish. A proponent of the navy single-breasted suit – often a three-piece – Bernard frequently pairs it with pink shirts or the occasional merchant banker, often with a collar pin and cufflinks to boot.

A classic example of the Early

Being quite the (dubiously successful) dandy myself, I would certainly mark Bernard as the best dressed of the three in Yes Minister. However, by Yes Prime Minister, Bernard’s style has toned right down, almost to the same level of tradition as Sir Humphrey. Gone are the brighter shirts, to be replaced with whites and blues the same as Sir Humphrey. This shift in style is quite notable, and I interpret it as a sign of Bernard’s advancing up the ranks of the Civil Service and a consequent maturity – though this is not necessarily reflected in his behaviour and puntastic dialogue! He remains the best dressed, however.

The contrasting styles of all three characters give the audience an insight into their personalities right off the bat, and these insights are later backed up by the characters’ roles in the plots. I’ve been unable to find any analysis of the costume design online, or indeed any comments from the programmes’ creators to back up the interpretations I’ve made here. However, in the book adaptations of the series released in the 1980s, numerous references are made to Ministry of Defence officials wearing baggy blue suits as their civilian uniforms. This leads me to believe that there would have to have been some attention paid to the significance of certain sartorial elements in the design of the show. But, maybe I’m just being over-analytical.

UPDATE 27/09/13: According to S Granville of To Bed With A Trollope, Hacker often also wears a London School of Economics tie, reflecting his alma mater. This makes me think there was lots of attention paid to the costuming, and that perhaps I’m not being as over-analytical as I might have thought…

 2 ) 【随影笔记】补一点英国政治

——Backbench (backbenchers)后座议员——
Backbenchers are MPs or members of the House of Lords that are neither government ministers nor opposition Shadow spokespeople. They are so called because, in the Chamber, they sit in the rows of benches behind their parties' spokespeople who are known as frontbenchers.
Traditionally, backbenchers were called 'private members'; when a bill is introduced by a backbencher it is still described as a Private Member's Bill.

How effective are Backbenchers in the House of Commons?

While backbenchers are having more of an influence in recent years, they are rarely effective at forming a resistance to the power of the executive, and thus they are really limited in their effectiveness in shaping world events.

From 2010 to March 2015, the government has only been defeated 7 times in the Commons. However the few defeats are often significant- for example the 2013 Syrian civil war motion was defeated by 30 Tory rebel MPS and this in turn stopped the US going to war- seriously affecting global geopolitics in the Middle East.

——By-elections 补选——
A UK Parliamentary by-election takes place when a seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant between general elections. 一种非常规选举,只在议会内有遗缺时进行,以补回空缺议席的余下任期。选新议员期间,其选区事务由相邻选区同一党派的议员代理。(有遗缺原因:有议员辞职/破产/患精神疾病/严重刑事犯罪/死亡)

'Moving the Writ'
Traditionally the Chief Whip of the political party whose MP held the vacant seat will begin the procedure for a by-election. This is known as 'moving the Writ' and takes the form of a motion in the House of Commons.
——marginal constituency 边缘选区——

也叫marginal seat/swing seat: a constituency held with a small majority in a legislative election. 各党(或者竞争的主要两党)得票很接近的选区,因此竞争激烈,竞选活动主要开展在这里。美国相对应的概念是摇摆州(Swing state,也称游离州、战场州或紫州)。非摇摆州也称安全州(safe state),因为某候选人已有足够支持,可以安全赢得该州选票。

Targeting: the concentration of money and manpower in areas where they will make the most difference. 目标竞选:把资金和人力集中在最可能有所作为的地区。

在英国,英格兰中部(Midlands)的边缘选区往往是竞选活动关注的焦点,而不是萨里(保守党选区)或英格兰东北部(工党选区)。05年大选时,自民党把目光瞄准保守党的边缘选区,但这种“斩首策略”("decapitation" strategy)并未奏效。

在美国大选中,选举团(Electoral College)实行“胜者全得”制(the winner-takes-all System),即把本州的选举人票全部给予在该州获得相对多数普选票的总统候选人,因此竞选资源也多集中于摇摆州。

Pork barreling:The creation of policy that will benefit a particular seat, at the expense of other taxpayers. 政治分肥大多采取直接对某地区或某企业拨款的方法,是争取边缘选区的策略之一。pork barrel一词来源于美国,是攻击竞选对手用的贬义词,在英国叫sweetener, 或election sweetener, tax sweetener. Yes, Minister里有提到过。

Parliament glossary-Backbench (backbenchers)
How effective are Backbenchers in the House of Commons
Parliament glossary-By-elections
Marginal seat-wiki

 3 ) BBC's take on Yes, Minister

    A bedrock programme in the UK comedy structure, Yes Minister embodied the early 1980s attitude to authority and politics as a gently hypocritical world filled with doubletalk.

    Three series were made between 1980 and 1984, before Jim Hacker achieved real power in Yes Prime Minister.

     The series follows Right Honorable James Hacker MP, Minister for Administrative Affairs, and his attempts to make officialdom and administration make sense. He does this whilst pushing his own self-serving agenda, and keeping his head above any nasty political waters. Throughout his career, he's up against Whitehall’s Sir Humphrey Appleby, unflappable symbol of a machine that has no gears, only brakes.

    Jim's policies, whether cutting costs or trying to streamline red tape, are sabotaged by Appleby's Machiavellian skills, often accompanied by brain-wrenching sentences designed to confuse Hacker - and often succeeding. Absolutely snobbish and elitist, yet blind to anything that does not serve the Whitehall way, Sir Humphrey is the avatar of the British State.

    Hacker's politics appear to be completely pragmatic and blown by the winds of chance, and are never dogmatic enough to be clearly labelled Labour or Conservative. By removing the trappings of a particular 'party' and allowing both sides to appear at their worst - venal and inconstant Hacker forever opposing the pompous and manipulative Appleby - Yes, Minister maintained a timeless quality that means it has endured beyond the Thatcherite politics it satirised.

    Issues were raised that are still timely now - identity papers and computer databases of the population, university funding, arms sales, oil politics being just a few.

    Motifs of the series included the wonderful music of Ronnie Hazelhurst playing against Gerald Scarfe's hilarious caricatures of the three leads; Hacker's use of catastrophically mixed metaphors, his Private Secretary Bernard's fondness for awful puns and maddening pedantry, and Sir Humphrey's laconic wit, almost shocking contempt for anyone who isn't a senior Civil Servant, and his catchphrase, usually after totally defeating Hacker, of muttering 'Yes Minster' to close the show.

    Whilst the iconic figure of Sir Humphrey, as portrayed by Nigel Hawthorne, is the series' enduring legacy, the true star of the show is Hacker, as played by Paul Eddington. Though most of the verbal quips are Humphrey's, the comedy is Hacker's, mainly because Paul Eddington was probably the best comedy actor of his generation and his timing is miraculous.

    Always buffeted by fate, wanting to do good but too scared of losing votes and status to do anything, Hacker is the symbol of all of us, wanting to be better, and not quite making it.

    A true original, Yes Minister remains one of the most influential sitcoms of its time, as witness its huge success, many awards (including BAFTAs for the show and for Hawthorne).

    Famously accurate in the spirit of the relationship between civil servant and politician, it was Mrs Thatcher's favourite show... make of that whatever you want. Yes Minister was proof that comedy could take on serious subjects and make real points with them.

搬运自BBC-Comedy Yes, Minister

 4 ) 《是 大臣》第三季观后感







 5 ) 英剧《Yes,Minister》教我的政治启蒙


英国讽刺幽默,主要情节围绕 由于所属党派获得大选胜利,行政部长Jim Hacker和行政部常务秘书Humphery的故事展开。


行政部常务秘书,permenant secretary,属于业务类公务员,也就是我们众所周知的“公务员”。





行政部长Jim Hacker,是大选产生,剧中,平均任期11个月。。


部长Jim Hacker要进行改革,裁剪臃肿的公务员系统,缩减政府成本。当然,这个目的不是他多高尚,而是,他可以获得很好的公众效应,继而有利于本党派大选。












 6 ) 为什么我们需要Jim Hacker

万万没想到,data structure考试前两天,急需复习的时候,居然在拖延时被这部最近治愈我的喜剧打了鸡血。

三季下来,每一集都是精确讽刺,讨论到的问题也是非常超前。每个事件开头minister都会发表一场politicians惯常的假大空发言,怀着一些天真和正义感想要做出一些改变,最后被sir humphrey描绘出的政府真相和可能损伤个人利益的状况劝退,成为一个不上不下,毫无实际作为的政治家。一直到最后一集,成为首相也是机缘巧合,暗地合作达成,一番激昂的演讲不过是为选举推波助澜,用激起爱国主义的空泛词句堆砌而成。


看到最后一集突然明白,为什么人类社会需要Jim Hacker这样的人。我们都看得到眼前现实的黑暗,但我们需要偶尔有机会抬头看看美好的东西,我们需要高尚的概念来支撑我们努力活下去,哪怕我们都看得到它的虚伪,它还是必不可少的。我想到前两天听podcast推荐了安迪威尔的新书拯救计划,其中一位点评说为什么他喜欢安迪威尔,就是因为他的故事在可读性之外,总是包含了一种坚强的,乐观的精神,他传递出了一种人类社会的“光明与黑暗”的,也许有些cheesy的“正确”价值观,让点评者觉得看到了对未来的希望,因为起码这样的分辨力和道德感还存在于人类心中。同样,Yes Minister如果没有这最后一集,我只会觉得这是一部故事非常有趣的,辛辣的讽刺剧。因为有了这一集,我才明白democracy与文学与音乐与电影一样,它存在的意义就是造梦。Jim Hacker的价值就在于他的天真,像Annie所说的,他和Sir Humphrey和其他的civil servants不同点就在于,他心中还一直保有一些道德判断,还不是vacuum,还相信改变,还时不时会做梦。人类社会需要做梦,需要这样的乐观精神才能延续。

最近很多情绪的来源,就是发现自己常常在幻想和现实之间摇摆不定。一方面理性在告诉自己,要明白自己的平凡,要去爱具体的人,要感恩生活中小小的事情,不要好高骛远觉得自己above周围人。另一方面我的心又总像火山般的躁动,像平原上的刘晓样,像悲剧的包法利夫人,像千千万万的理想主义者,觉得很多东西我就是无法妥协,无法接受做一个只在乎眼前平凡生活的普通人。我觉得我deserve better,belong somewhere better,觉得我只要踮踮脚尖就可以够到更光明的未来,有更多可能性和开放的人生。看我这一集我想,没什么好纠结的,因为人生就是这样的摇摆不定。大多数时候像Jim一样,我们选择认命,接受现实,在道貌巍然之下悄悄地拥抱自己自私的人性的一面。但总有时刻我们会开始做梦,会情绪高涨,会自己感动自己,会被自己的大口号打鸡血。这两种状态对生活都是必须的,平凡的日子就脚踏实地的努力,只是永远不要放弃做梦的那个自己,搞不好哪天就像Jim走狗屎运,坐到了(理论上)能改变世界的位置呢?


minister想把Bernard当弃子给扔掉的时候我可伤心了!!!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸虽然Bernard总是墙头草两边倒,可是人家总是尽力帮助minister你呢!!怎么还不如humpy对Bernard 呢!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸还好最好Bernard的事情被压下来了!

  • 抹茶大福君
  • 力荐


  • Bosie
  • 力荐


  • momo
  • 还行

期待唐宁街10号再见~以后碰到说话绕弯的人就这么问"You're not related to Sir Humphrey Appleby by any chance?" 另外,Bernard越来越可爱了~

  • Katrina
  • 力荐

除了关于性别问题的那集笑不出来外 其他还是好好笑啊:D

  • YiQiao
  • 力荐

《THE WHISKY PRIEST》这一集系列最佳,以前看的话我应会流泪。

  • 核时
  • 力荐


  • monday2094
  • 力荐


  • frian
  • 力荐


  • s
  • 力荐


  • 超酷冰淇淋
  • 力荐


  • 朽叶
  • 力荐

1.女性主义;2. 精简冗余公务员、民防工程与“领导先躲”&媒体“自由” 3. 打压高效地方政府&掩盖历史失责档案 4. 公务员蹭出国&外贸行贿订单&公务员家属受贿;5. 陆运空运铁路-公共交通;6.军火与恐怖分子&道德真空;7.花大部分老百姓的税补贴少数精英趣味(歌剧院音乐厅美术馆等)还是大部分老百姓的平民娱乐

  • 力荐


  • 清凉油豪情万丈
  • 力荐


  • 书中的虫子
  • 力荐

一集一集看下来真的是非常过瘾,而且越陷越深...所谓神剧和经典的确有它的魔力,如今很火的《House of cards》一集就看不下去了,感谢这部剧,让我一个政治盲得到了启蒙。无可救药的爱上这部剧了,不因为它到底有多搞笑,而是看着它就给人很惬意温馨的感觉。三个人都好可爱,特别是Bernard好萌!!!2021.9二刷,大概从第三集开始非常赞了!

  • Cap和Umi
  • 力荐

圣诞特别篇真是首尾呼应的典范,既呼应了本集开头给Bernard的surprise,也呼应了本剧第一季第一集的phone jitters. 只是首相突然提早离职的安排也太奇怪了。

  • fish
  • 力荐


  • 江湖遠人
  • 力荐


  • 力荐

三星半。特别篇的条目找不到了及写在这儿吧~ jim还是成功上位了啊!! 经过了这么多事儿你说jim真什么都不知道吗?真傻吗?切~凭我的智商反正是做不到他这个程度~最后游说竞选人的部分赶脚jim超有范儿啊~干脆利落!等着你呦PM~

  • 囧子
  • 还行

这剧本,这表演,这从句套从句套从句套从句的表达。。。= = 三位主演两位已逝,只有Bernard一人看新版YM是如何糟蹋经典的。

  • 恣意的仙人掌
  • 力荐