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  Joey begins her first day at Worthington University where she is struggling in her beginners writing class taught by Professor David Wilder who criticizes her first essay about her and Dawson. Audrey Liddell, Joey's brash new roommate from Beverly Hills, proves to be more of an annoyance than a friend with her wild and crazy personality. Dawson, who's continuing his studies at USC with an internship in Hollywood, begins his job on a shaky start when he meets Todd Carr, an arrogant, egocentric, hack film director who gives Dawson a hard time. Meanwhile, Jen pays Pacey a visit, who's lying low as he docks his yacht in Boston Harbor after sailing away the summer. At nearby Boston Bay College, Jen and Jack are invited to their first fraternity party. They persuade Joey to come along with Audrey who seems to get along with Jen and Jack, much to Joey's surprise. Also, Jen meets Charlie, a bass player. She is rude to him, insulting him away, but deep inside feels strongly attracted to him.热播电视剧最新电影无敌当家3莫斯科陷落2费城永远阳光灿烂第二季魔鬼山历险记2009摇滚救妻宠物校花兰根堡之旅贴身保镖 第一季走进黑暗第一季暗淡时刻加油站袭击事件2禁忌关系之双非英国病人黑色安息日见鬼女孩天崩地裂 上(国语版)带子洪郎(粤语版)新落日余晖西蒙·拜尔斯:再战奥运第100个新娘裁定终身循迹线索女人一辈子白骆驼

