第6集真的拍得太好了,每个人的故事都让人泪流满面。人人都有自己难以启齿的痛苦和伤痕,于是需要互相报团取暖和抚平过往晦暗的记忆,和自己和解。包括内特,这样一个因为自卑走向极端负面的人也会遇见一个抚慰自己的人。最后在大巴车上大家放声歌唱的一幕真的太动人。无论多难,还是要坚持走下去,相信总会遇到互相珍惜的人。 第6集把两对同性恋的故事也处理得好好,Keeley谈了两任男朋友,终于“弃暗投明”交了girlfriend。Gay小哥告诉特伦特,他不想成为某个群体的象征,只想跟普通人一样生活。每个人都可以过自己想过的,谁也不是异类,只是选择了最适合自己的而已。这是那些活在一个充满歧视,却嘲笑别人“政治正确”的人永远也理解不了和体会不到的权利和感受。
Ted Lasso S3 也播了一半了,还是非常推荐的。非球迷可以了解点体育的,了解些有的没的,当然球迷可能会觉得没现实 " 成王败寇"那么残酷。不过终究是一部轻松的让人十分舒服的剧集,球迷也好非球迷也好,每个人大概都会从中得到点什么,当然没有得到什么,单纯消磨时间享受就很好了。
This episode was a delight! It's a necessary reset for the team to get back to where it needs to be. The previous episodes have been disjointed because the team, including/especially Ted, forgot their fundamentals. Jamie called it when in episode 2, he said they didn't need Zava because they have a good thing going in relying and believing in each other. Zava was a disruptor, more glory hog than Jamie ever dreampt of being. The team relied on him rather than on each other. Now, they are finding their way back. As for the other elements of this episode, I found them moving and charming and even if they revealed things we don't need for the purposes of plot development, they "peeled back the juicy layer of onion" of their private lives, lives we have come to care about so much. Higgins and his music. Roy and Jamie and their relationships with their grandfather/parents (who doesn't want to meet Jamie's mother after his disaster of a father?) Colin finding an ally in Trent. All satisfying revelaof these characters. And of course, there is Rebecca. If they don't bring back this wonderful, mysterious Dutchman, I will be so disappointed. To see her blossom from the bitter, hurt person she was at the beginning, to this warm and wonderful woman opening up to life has been a fantastic journey.
I thought this episode was simply SUBLIME --- lovely and moving from start to finish. It was open-hearted, lyrical, tender, warm and funny; a gorgeous ode to the things --- meaningful relationships, beauty, creativity, generosity, sudden insights, mysterious and powerful connections that seem serendipitous --- that most make Life worth living. Cynicism was nowhere in sight and viewers were invited to share in the magic of inhabiting such a spiritually enriching and expansive world-view. The whole premise of Ted Lasso is that great things are possible when we believe in ourselves and others, remain vulnerable and curious enough to examine our own weaknesses and strengths and willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to others, and keep our attention on the things that really matter--- I can't think of a more valuable message for today's world...My only complaint is that I wish the episode had been twice as long so we could linger in all that loveliness...
源:‘Ted Lasso’ Season 3, Episode 6 Recap: Dutch Treat
看这剧真就提醒我要Always be nice到底是谁兴起的一周一集!!!
什么???竟然一周一集?????等死人了///ted吐槽自己像ned Flanders cosplay ned Flanders我要笑抽过去了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 他俩还真像啊 另外真的好羡慕瑞贝卡和凯丽的友谊呜呜🥹
Roy和Jamie在谈吗在谈吗在谈吗在谈吗🙂 跟我玩儿这套情敌变情人是吧是吧是吧是吧🥹
第四集真的太离谱了🤣三张红牌、报复型动作一大堆,这比赛结束后肯定要追加处罚的啊。第三集就够扯了,伊布再猛也不可能带升班马连斩Big 6,英超不是NBA好吧!但这个剧只要不涉及具体足球相关,就还是很好看。
这季导演显然水平不足 完全没get到前两季的精髓这季完全成了爽剧 各种事件对主角团来说都太顺了