寒假随即开始。在家没有网,只能从硬盘里找出电影来回味。有一天无聊之间,莫名其妙的翻出这部电影,100来分钟的影片,从头到尾看了下来。我甚至都不记得当时是何种心态。只知道在那之前,针对Global Warming的仅有理解就是大气层变厚啦、天气变热啦、两极冰山要融化啦、沿海城市要被淹啦...典型的没心没肺。
一场精神洗礼随之而来,后知后觉的我,在看完之后的第一反应,仅仅是马上将电影转换成OGG格式,代替当时的Planet Earth 3: water成为下一个精听材料,依稀记得第一理由是:Al Gore声音很有磁性,而且发音绝对标准;第二理由是:这家伙从头到尾唠叨个没完,估计够我折腾一阵子的了;第三理由是:学学人家做presentation的样子:身势语、结构、语气、用词,相比之下,自己曾经的所谓“英语演讲”经历真是幼稚得一塌糊涂;却丝毫没有意识到,这部电影居然会在接着的半年内成为我生活的一部分。
最近,开始精听《Fahrenheit 9/11》;选择这部电影是因为无意中从wikipedia中发现《An.Inconvenient.Truth》是美国排名第二的纪录片,仅次于华氏九一一。结果,在熟络之后生出Turn Back的想法,而这篇影评,也就出于此时。
开头,所有人物尚未出场,便是一幅极美的自然界图画:river, leaves, birds, tree frogs, cow, grass, river bank...着实quiet&peaceful,从小在乡村长大,跟着Al Gore的引导开始进入状态,似乎这部电影马上就要变身为催眠曲。
然而,紧接着a gear shift,真切感慨:我确实早已忘了这种感觉。迅速的切入正题:the earth。聚精会神的宣讲会听众,然后主角出场。清楚的看到这一帧“戈尔先生专题学术报告”,那是在清华?或是在北大?
主角一本正经蹦出的第一句话就让人大跌眼镜“I am Al Gore, I used to be the next president of the United States of America”联想到不时在影片中出现的“Political Issue&Moral Issue”,初次感受到戈尔在2000年总统选战败北后的hard blow,而与此同时,这部电影难免的打上了政治的烙印,也由此在wikipedia中遭受类似的批评。Whatever, anything can be wrong when politics get involved.
接着一句更来劲:“I don’t find that particularly funny”,由此引来观众大笑。不由摇摇头,果然是在美国政界混了多年的“老油条”,深知如何讨得选民欢心。晓佳推荐,也是出于这个原因的吧。尽管在《一生只做一件事:推销自己与总统面对面》一书中,作者把2000年总统选战戈尔败北的原因,归结于戈尔的死气沉沉的脸。至今无法苟同,因为戈尔赢得了普选,至少可以证明大众中人气还是戈尔更高的。
I am in politics for a long time and I am proud of my service.这句话开始令我震撼,众所周知,戈尔是在2000年选战失败后退出政界转型为为控制气候暖化而全球奔走的环保主义者的。从那时起,放弃在政界的身份威望,开始全球的slide show,为的只是:
“If an issue is not on the tips of their constituents' tongues, it's easy for them to ignore it.”
“ I set myself a goal. Communicate this real clearly. The only way I know to do it is city by city, person by person, family by family. ”
几个琐碎的镜头拼接以后,展示的是戈尔在车里,一脸的凝重,右下角打出字幕:An Inconvenient Truth。是的,一个麻烦的真相,需要一个人付出艰难的努力,来让世人知晓,而此时的戈尔,仍在路上。
影片正式开始,开篇引入的是太空中所看到的地球。几幅精美的图像,自然而然的引入了environment movement的话题,接着却并未直接切入,而是通过share stories来吸引观众——相当经典的演讲术。
故事一:引入马克吐温的名句:What gets us into trouble is not we don’t know but what we know for sure that just ain’t so.为观众中可能存在的抵触基调做好准备,因为环境保护与民众的high emotion刚好对立,而在总统选战的失败阴影一直挥之不去。如后文提到的Al Gore自解--Why he would give this slide show over and over again, at least 1000 times.
此过程中又一次引入多元化的演讲材料:先是traditional explanation,然后用动画开始一个better explanation。枯燥乏味的气象术语均被排除在外,甚至还加入了自嘲的小幽默:our handsomest politicians—just like daddy put in his drink every morning, and then he gets mad...once and for all。在美国,政界人士一直都是大众讽刺、抨击的对象。这段自嘲+讽喻,可以说会深得人心,令人亲切、自然。
故事二:从另一位老师—自己的恩师:A real hero to him引入自己的成长历程,使得演讲并不至于沦为一场枯燥的说教。
从大学时代的Roger Revelle指导下的实验,到自己继续坚持实验,然后进入国会后的一个又一个听证会,接着进入参议院、当选副总统...
然后就提到了“京都议定书”:so controversial, in the US at least.记得当初的95票对0票,确实会是一个沉重的打击。接着又顺嘴到00年的选战:In 2000, my opponent pledge to regulate CO2, but(稍作停顿) it was not a pledge that was kept.不过对于这类敏感话题,聪明的戈尔并未多做停留,而是迅速转移话题:the point is...
接下来,便是对全球性的温度上升做出科学解释:一系列的数据、图片、表格证实:When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer. 整个过程的严谨令人叹为观止:搞科学的人,终归是不一样。
下一步,自然是project into the future。
这里,有个费解的地方我看了好几次才看明白:Gore选择图表上的最后一个Ice Age举例说明:This is the difference between a nice day and having a mile of ice over your head.手指指向冰河世纪期前后的CO2含量对比。于是,据此推理,接下来高高在上的CO2含量,将会导致高高在上的气温:If on the temperature side, if this much on the cold side is a mile of ice over our heads, what would that much on the warm side be?
当然,不能不提到期间的一个小插曲:Gore爬上一升降机,来emphasize the issue...hear off the chart...然后,评价:Ultimately this is really not a political issue, so much a moral issue. 从政多年,深知政界规则,对此而言,大学主修政治学的戈尔,面对自然界的严重破坏,表情陡然变得凝重,向观众发出严肃的呼吁“If we allow that to happen, it’s deeply unethical.”一向演讲讲究中庸,凡事均留余地,但这句话,说得毫无回旋余地,因为事实是如此的严峻,不由得我们不去正视。
It was almost as if you could look at that calendar,and just go Huuu... And everything just flew off. It just turned my whole world upside down, and then shook it until everything fell out. My way of being in the world, it just changed everything for me. How should I spend my time on this Earth?
I really dug in, trying to learn about it much more deeply. I went to Antarctica, went to the South Pole, the North Pole, the Amazon, went to places where scientists could help me understand parts of the issue that I didn't really understand in depth.
The possibility of losing what was most precious to me. I gained an ability that maybe I didn't have before. But when I felt it, I felt that, we could really lose it, that what we take for granted might not be here for our children.
先是陆地的气温上升,随之难以忽视的海洋气温随之上升,立即将话题转移到美国人心中的痛:New Orlean, Hurricane Katrina究其原因,罪魁祸首是:Global Warming。
"The Era of Procrastination, of Half-Measures, of Soothing and Baffling Expedients, of Delays, is Coming to its Close.
In its Place We are Entering a Period of Consequences."
——Sir Winston Churchill
Gore同样的深度点评:“Making mistakes in generations and centuries past would have consequences that we could overcome. We don't have that luxury anymore. We didn't ask for it, but here it is.”
接下来是不可避免的一幕,也是Al Gore人生中极为重要的一役:2000年总统选战的败北。
关于这一事件,各方各面的争议至今没有结束。与本片齐名的《Fahrenheit 9/11》中也在开头对此深究不放。
Well I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it, I accept the finality of this outcome.
Well, that was a hard blow, but...What do you do? You make the best of it.
It brought into clear focus the mission that I had been pursuing for all these years, and I started giving the slide show again.
下面继续阐述Global Warming的影响:
Paradox 1:Relocate precipitation
Paradox2:Soil evaporation increases dramatically with higher temperatures.
由自身从小到大的体会来证明气候的急剧变化:In the course of time for the river, it’s happening very very quickly.
Two canaries in the coal mine—矿坑里的金丝雀,处于危险之中的美好事物:
在北极,通过U.S Navy的巡逻数据证实:冰层越来越薄。50~70年时间里,北极冰层到夏天会完全融化。冰雪融化速度指数级增长,恶性循环。
But what does it mean to us? To look at a vast expanse of open water at the top of our world that used to be covered by ice.
关于冰川融化、淡水注入导致海洋的热量传输带停止运转的假设着实令人震惊,因为可能导致气候的骤变:从目前的温度到新一个冰河世纪,可能只需要短短的10年时间--不过,戈尔给出的答案是“Of course this is not gona happen because the ice of south America are not there-- is there any big chunk of ice near there? Oh, yeah, we’ll come back to that one...”
这个时候观众席上传来一阵笑声,查阅了好几个字幕翻译,都将这句译为“我们待会儿再来说它”,按照常理,应该在下文中对此理论做更进一步的阐述说明证实,然而下文中并没有发现与之有关的片段。我听了许久之后,感觉应该把其译为“我们(指美国大陆)将会变成那个冰坨子。。。”想想依旧不对,这样似乎依旧不能成为支撑气候速变—as little as ten years time的证据。
此时的画外音:It's extremely frustrating to me to communicate over and over again, as clearly as I can. And we are still, by far, the worst contributor to the problem. And I look around and look for really meaningful signs that we're about to really change. I don't see it right now.
首先是持不同意见的科学家的看法:A number of very reputable scientists have said that one factor of air pollution is oxides of nitrogen from decaying vegetation. This is what causes the haze that gave the big Smoky Mountains their name.
此时的戈尔,孤身一人在机场登机;跟安检小姐说“Thank you very much, OK!”
接下来是小树丛总统的讲话:“This guy is so far off in the environmental extreme, we'll be up to our neck in owls and out of work for every American. This guy is crazy!!”
下面这句也有在wikepedia的词条中提到:This could be, maybe the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.
If an issue is not on the tips of their constituents' tongues, it's easy for them to ignore it.
继续:seasons and the effect on ecology.
而到这里,我也才真正明白,nature’s plan真实含义
2,南极洲,冰架融化--the second canary in the mine:
The areas around Beijing, that’s home to tens of millions of people.
Even worse, the area around Shanghai, that’s home to 40 million people.
Manhattan, the world trade center memorial site.
这里同时对小树丛作出了回应:“Is it possible that we should prepare against other threats besides terrorists? Maybe we should be concerned about other problems as well.”非常温和的反击,相对“This guy is crazy”之类的人身攻击,却令人信服得多。
1.3 billion people.
An economy that's surging.
More and more energy needs.
Massive coal reserves.
面对大量既污染、又浪费的火力发电,戈尔并未大肆批评,仅仅是以一个非常客观的角度讲述“This issue is really the same for China as it is for the US. We are both using old technologies that are dirty and polluting.”
And if you were to give some suggestions to everybody here about like, what we can do for the situation now.
Separating the truth from the fiction and the accurate connections from the misunderstandings is part of what you learn here.
But when the warnings are accurate and based on sound science, then we as human beings, whatever country we live in, have to find a way to make sure that the warnings are heard and responded to.
1, population
old habbit+old technology=predictable consequences
old habbit(hard to change)+new technology=dramatically altered consequences
2, Scientific and technological revolution
Even shovels are getting bigger, and every year they are getting more powerful.
3, Our way of thinking is the third and final factor that transform our relationship to the earth.
It's just human nature to take time to connect the dots. I know that. But I also know that there can be a day of reckoning when you wish you had connected the dots more quickly.
继续:Three misconceptions:
Misconception 1: isn't there a disagreement among scientists about whether the problem is real or not?
Chief of staff, that’s the white house environment.
Do a little bit more and see who his clients were.
I've seen scientists who were persecuted, ridiculed, deprived of jobs, income, simply because the facts they discovered led them to an inconvenient truth that they insisted on telling.
That it's difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
—Upton Sinclair
Misconception 2: choose between the economy and the environment?
I guess the thing I've spent more time on than anything else in this slide show is trying to identify all those things in people's minds that serve as obstacles to them understanding this.
And whenever I feel like I've identified an obstacle, I try to take it apart, roll it away. Move it. Demolish it, blow it up.
I set myself a goal. Communicate this real clearly. The only way I know to do it is city by city, person by person, family by family. And I have faith that pretty soon enough minds are changed that we cross a threshold.
Misconception 3:Accept the problem is real, but feel it’s too big to do anything about it.
There are a lot of people who go straight from denial to despair without pausing on the intermediate step of actually doing something about the problem.
We have everything we need, save perhaps political will.这句一直搞不明白,为何是save perhaps,或许是字幕错误,然而中英文字幕均是这样翻译过来的。自己的理解是:Say, perhaps,political will. 与后面的renewable resource也一一对应了。事实上想表达的是,戈尔并未丧失对政治的信心,若是这样,wikepedia的评论:“2000年总统选战之后一蹶不振”也就与事实不符了。我宁愿相信,戈尔只是按照自己的切身体会,去做他觉得应该去做的事。毕竟专业出身、从政多年,怎么可能因为一次总统选战的失败而就此对政界完全失望呢?而强调political will is a renewable resource也赢得了观众的热烈掌声。
Are we, as Americans, capable of doing great things even if they are difficult?
We formed a nation, we fought a revolution and brought something new to this Earth, a free nation guaranteeing individual liberty.
America made a moral decision. Its slavery was wrong, and that we could not be half free and half slave.
We, as Americans, decided that of course women should have the right to vote.
We defeated totalitarianism and won a war in the Pacific and the Atlantic simultaneously.
We desegregated our schools.
And we cured fearsome diseases like polio.
We landed on the moon.
The very example of what's possible when we are at our best.We worked together in a completely bipartisan way to bring down communism.
We have even solved a global environmental crisis before, the hole in the stratospheric ozone layer. This was said to be an impossible problem to solve because it's a global environmental challenge requiring cooperation from every nation in the world.
But we took it on. And the United States took the lead in phasing out the chemicals that caused that problem.
片尾的pale blue dot.That’s us. 面对那一发出微弱蓝光的小点,这一图片的作者Carl Sagan写出了下面一段话:
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
There's nothing that unusual about what I'm doing with this. What is unusual is that I had the privilege to be shown it as a young man.
Are you ready to change the way you live?
The climate crisis can be solved.
Here is how to start.
Go to
www.climatecrisis.netYou can reduce your carbon emissions
In fact, you can even reduce your carbon emissions to zero.
Buy energy efficient appliances&lightbulbs
Change your thermostat and use clock thermostats
To reduce energy for heating&cooling
Weatherize your house, increase insulation, get an energy audit
If you can, buy a hybrid car
When you can, walk or ride a bicycle.
Where you can, use light rail+mass transit
Tell your parents not to ruin the world that you will live in.
If you are a parent, join with your children to save the world they will live in.
Switch to renewable sources of energy
Call your power company to see if they offer green energy
If they don’t , ask them why not
Vote for leaders who pledge to solve this crisis
Write to congress
If they don’t listen, run for congress
Plant trees, lots of trees
Speak up in your community
Call radio shows and write newspapers
Insist that America freeze CO2 emissions
Join international efforts to stop global warming
Reduce our dependence on foreign oil
Help farmers grow alcohol fuels
Raise fuel economy standards
Require lower emissions from automobiles
If you believe in prayer
Pray that people will find the strength to change
In the words of the old African proverb,
When you pray, move your feet.
Encourage everyone you know to see this movie.
Learn as much as you can about the climate crisis
Then put your knowledge into action
PS:片尾曲《I need to wake up》—written and proformed by Melissa Etheridge第79届奥斯卡金像奖最佳歌曲奖。
2008年12月16日 于苏州
戈尔的演讲太强了 可是真相其实还是很容易被忽视的 恶性循环的地球 我们的后代 做好死亡的准备就好了
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/75_-twPhAOg/ 教育人们认识到全球变暖的危害,号召人们对全球变暖做出有效对策……顺便看了下戈尔叔的wiki资料,民主党人果然比较chic
不知道Al Gore对电影里穿插他失败的选举一事有何感想,我觉得这是整个电影最大的败笔,本来这是一部可以给每一个“地球公民”看的纪录片,跟他私人地位没有什么关系,这样拍对不信者来说是越描越黑。Gore不愧为曾经的政治家,演讲相当有条理和说服性。本片的另一缺憾是各种危机展示得很详尽,相比之下问题根源的分析,或者具体的解决方案篇幅都甚少。除去这些缺憾,这部电影所讨论的内容的确是每一个地球公民应该了解的问题,就算电影结束,大家仍然开着大小汽车回去平日的生活,多些危机感对人类没什么坏处。
关于global warming的部分都不错,美国是责任最大行动最少的国家。倒是这个讲述者gore,他的政治目的和自我宣传的意图,让人看着很不舒服
又名: 麻烦的真相 / 絕望真相导演: Davis Guggenheim主演: Al Gore上映年度: 2006语言: English官方网站: http://www.climatecrisis.net/imdb链接: tt0497116制片国家/地区: America