(in glass-making) an iron rod used to hold or shape soft glass.
(吹制玻璃器皿的)吹管a long tube for blowing glass into a particular shape
给(金属或玻璃)退火to heat metal or glass and allow it to cool slowly, in order to make it stronger or softer
A glory hole is equipment that glass blowers use for re-heating glass to soften it so it can be further worked or to keep it hot enough to avoid cracking during other work like adding handles, feet, lampworking.
While there is no concrete answer, there are several plausible origins of this term. In an old factory, where smoke and dust were everywhere, a 2100° opening would have created an illusion not unlike that seen in paintings of saints and angels where “The Glory” radiated from their heads. A break in the clouds where sunlight passes through is also called a glory hole. However, the term has more recently fallen out of use and the term “Reheating Furnace” is more widely used.
using a cylindrical or truncated conical one-piece mold with a patterned interior. The mold is open at the top so that glass can be dipped in to create a pattern on the exterior of a gather of glass or on a bubble.
This technique was invented by Roman glassworkers. It was indispensable in glasshouses of the Middle Ages and flourished in Venice. Also known as dip molding, it remains popular today.
a tear collector
枝状大烛台(或灯台)an object with several branches for holding candles or lights
The technique of constructing an object, usually a vessel, by fusing two or more blown glass elements. The process, first practiced in the Islamic world in the Middle Ages, demands great precision because the edges of the adjoining elements must have precisely the same diameter.
Reticello (Italian, “glass with a small network”) A type of blown glass made with canes organized in a crisscross pattern to form a fine net, which may contain tiny air traps.
Murrine, a glassmaking technique, first appeared in the Middle East over 4,000 years ago. The process, which refers to the colorful patterns and abstract images made in a glass cane that are revealed only when the rod is cut into thin cross-sections, was later revived by Venetian glassmakers in Murano during the early 15th century.
a technique that has been used since the sixteenth century in which a series of clear glass rods are fused with a piece of lattimo (milky) or colored glass at the center.
Small amounts of molten glass are added on top of other decorative elements (such as “wings’), then manipulated with tools.
The word used to describe the multifaceted wheel-engraved surface that resembles beaten metal.
submerging glass in water 表层迅速冷却,形成裂纹
最近正好在读Geoffrey Blainey的A Short History of the World,里面提到了一些关于玻璃制作历史的内容,正好在这里稍作摘抄。
My piece glamorizes everything that a flower is not. A flower is a classic beauty. It has everything going for it: color, beautiful scent, great proportions. It epitomizes life. But the potato is a powerhouse. To me, it represents otherness and those that have been marginalized and I personally resonate with that them a lot, for myself and for my work. So for its atypical beauty and its metaphorical power, I chose the sprouted potato.
#豆狸推荐# 美哉琉璃:巧匠大比拼 | 真人秀/美国 吹吹吹吹吹 看我的! 十名大师级工匠 一个比一个能吹 玻璃在他们的嘴下 化成一个又一个工艺品 超级美艳 狸狸好想偷一位大师肥家家[偷笑] 想吹啥吹啥 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐️ 美哉琉璃:巧匠大比拼 | 真人秀/美国 吹吹吹吹吹 看我的! 十名大师级工匠 一个比一个能吹 玻璃在他们的嘴下 化成一个又一个工艺品 超级美艳 狸狸好想偷一位大师肥家家[偷笑] 想吹啥吹啥 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐️
很有意思!因为最近要用玻璃材料,就想知道热车间到底可以实现什么样的效果(和需要什么样的条件),像“mental practie”那样地看了这个节目!创作是“构想”和“执行”的结合,最终优胜的作品将二者结合,非常完整地呈现自己的概念,绝不是仅因为符合某种价值观而获胜。与节目也好、与周遭的亲友也好,对“美”或其他有着不同的看法很自然。不过如果大家能藉此思考“为何我会这样想”,也许会对自身身心成长更有益。
恕我直言 说政治正确的那几位可能没怎么看过真人秀。从天桥到特效化妆师追了那么多艺术设计类真人秀(政治正确还不流行的时期),你们嘴里政治正确的这类小众群体确实在艺术上更有独到见解,这些另类视角和思维模式 是那些成功白男无法企及的疆域(没错 成功白男的灵感永远都是我美丽的妻子和孩子)所以如果你们不能收回内心的成见的话,就迎接这个更加显著的事实吧 。(Deborah的概念强度和审美能力都吊打第二名)
So much potential! Looking forward to the second season (if there is a second season.)
Deborah is the egg!看到后面Deborah讲的话真的让人超感动的,而且她还都很欣赏hot shop里面其他女性。刚开始不懂她脾气怎么这么暴躁,后来就突然明白,女人就是很不容易啊不声音大一点怎么在男人堆里被听到!!! 节目真的蛮好看的,感觉他们都是艺术家了~就是感觉分分钟玻璃就要碎了,担心受怕
Netflix 脑洞真大,吹玻璃都能办个真人秀。一集二十分钟简短利落,赏心悦目。不过我真是服了泥锅直男癌了,一个真人秀各族裔都有,最后前四三白男一白女,只不过是因为一个女权主义者赢了(一开始就觉得她的作品有趣),就能把整部 show 套上政治正确的帽子。它们眼中是不是只有白男把任何节目的冠军都得了才不叫政治正确啊?服了。